Hi, I am Evan, or you can call me Classy, or The Bog Boy, or Stupid, I don't really care. I have no formal tech experience, and I'm not sure if this will set me far apart from others here or if I'll be in good company that way, but regardless, I definitely find tech and coding interesting, but from more of an outsider's perspective. I have a hard enough time wrapping my head around calibration files, let alone properly writing code, so I leave that to people better suited for such tasks.
I am a musician, an amateur botanist, a father, kind of a generalist hobbyist. I enjoy learning, listening to prohibitively long audio books clandestinely at work (we're not supposed to, but nobody has figured me out yet!), figuring out songs to teach my students, just whatever suits my fancy. I used to have a lot of self-resentment about the way my mind wanders, but as I've gotten older (is 28 considered an adult yet?) I've come to accept that my semi-autistic ADD brain is just the way it is. Maybe I'll stick with Gemini and learn the ins and outs, or maybe this will fall by the wayside in a few months. I hope I can make friends here and read some great stories, and maybe share a few of my own, too.
Feel free to email me whenever, or reply to a post.
2024-11-29 A Cold Hike at Potato Creek
2024-11-24 Moondogs and Snakedancing
2024-11-22 Hey ~bartender! Did ya forget to unlock the door?
2024-11-15 Beneath the Cottonwood 3
2024-11-14 Beneath the Cottonwood 2