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2024-10-05 20:05:59

Talking about the article "The rise and fall of Bitcoin":

The story started good but it ended horrible. How can one suggest that because an exchange is robbed, Bitcoin must be suspicious? If I had a gold stash in my vault, how can an exchange robbery in Japan influence the qualities of my gold? This analogy also applies to bitcoin.

And there are alot of other mistakes in that artikel. But I also see that "Wired" took that article offline, so they likely already realized they were wrong.

Bitcoin is thriving.

2024-10-04 18:14:41

To the person below me, yeah i agree skyjake lagrange etc.

2024-09-10 21:15:55

Noulin, , only lead by admin toxic, his loyalist & simpatisant Zionist!!!!! take down about info that web on your page! btw sky jack not proper to lead & manage bbs web, he not wise person, he atoritariant, easy do bad anything with member bbs!! he accuse me do spam & create multiple acc at BBS, the problem first its from app lagrange, which he create. that clear all cache certificate id from user. so responsable ,- accuse that pointed to him!! that many user must create the new account.!! but why he blamed me, & close my acces feature bbs

2024-09-09 13:31:06 ,which correct. srry typo 8-(

2024-09-09 13:28:03

Hey.. Remy Char Cartoon Anime, Search my name "Maskugatiger" with , then u will find the Treasure OnePiece There (^o,o') Xd :)

2024-08-26 20:31:46


I hope you will be able to index the 3.2 million pages.


2024-08-25 18:55:11

I love your capsule!

2024-08-23 15:40:43

someone is in orbit


2024-08-23 07:55:28


- guy

2024-08-23 07:55:07
