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馃憢 I like space, elves, Unix, fantasy/sci-fi, ttrpgs, and Oxford commas.
馃實 ::1/128
馃棧 Followers 3 路 Following 5 路 Logs 2 路 Docked 3 months ago
First OpenBSD install on bare metal! I got it setup and working for what I want right now (a wireguard peer). However, install feels like I'm doing something wrong because the sets wouldn't install from http and I couldn't get it working from the install media either. I ended up flashing the miniroot image to the boot media and flashing the install image to another usb that I was then able to install the sets from. Besides the wonky install, (that I'm fully blaming my lack of knowledge for), really happy to have an OpenBSD box up and running.
馃挰 5 Replies 路 2 Thumbs 路 2 months ago
Salutations fellow station dockers. This seems like a neat station and I am looking forward to having a look around. I may post about various topics that interest me here. I suppose that is the whole idea after all. Thanks for stopping by.