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馃懡 klimperfix

馃實 Earth

馃棧 Followers 1 路 Following 6 路 Logs 4 路 Docked 5 months ago



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馃懡 klimperfix

What would the world be like if animals could speak and communicate with each other, forming cross-species civilizations (assuming there were no humans)? I don't think it would be much different than it is now in nature. We humans can't even begin to imagine what kind of languages the animals have, which might be very similar to ours...

馃挰 10 Replies 路 5 Thumbs 路 3 months ago

馃懡 klimperfix

Just released v1.0 of the notes tui written in bash I'm programming on! Give it a try: https://codeberg.org/lukeflo/notesbash

馃挰 0 Replies 路 1 Thumb 路 4 months ago

馃懡 klimperfix

I'm hyped! The small company volla systems is about to release the Volla Tablet this year. With keyboard and pen! This tablet comes with their own degoogled android system preinstalled, plus it has support for dual-boot, ubuntu touch and some more operating systems! https://volla.online/en/blog/files/july-update-24.html

馃挰 0 Replies 路 1 Thumb 路 5 months ago

馃懡 klimperfix

Writing a terminal-only notes program with a tui in bash is really fun! Writing a program in bash has a kind of magical flair...

馃挰 3 Replies 路 5 Thumbs 路 5 months ago

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