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馃懡 lucifer_jehovah_smith

馃憢 Just another rando on the Internet. I speak Lisp (well, Scheme, really), and rusty Esperanto. Once upon a time contributor to the kernel, in dribs and drabs. Was a Perl hacker back in the day, and a decent one too. I'm toying with the notion of picking it back up again because I suspect it's the hundred year language. My surname Smith comes from Stranger in a Strange Land (I.E., Valentine Michael Smith). You know where my other two names come from. My pronouns are Thou and Thee. Like Unix, my pronouns are case-sensitive.

馃實 Heaven and Hell

馃棧 Followers 0 路 Following 0 路 Logs 2 路 Docked 1 week ago



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馃懡 lucifer_jehovah_smith

Dig it! I just bought a bunch of groceries for me and the people I love with affirm.com for the second time in the last 3 months. Credit cards are maxed, the rent is too damned high, and I spend a chunk of money every month servicing debt. Yeah I've been dumb frequently and made some shitty choices, but still. Isn't America groovy?

馃挰 3 Replies 路 0 Thumbs 路 1 week ago

馃懡 lucifer_jehovah_smith

Crazy ass tech idea. My dreams exceed my ability to implement. I have this braille ebook reader here; the only way to get content on it is USB flash drive or SD card. What if we had a thing that emulated a flash drive but used webdav or sftp for the underlying storage?

馃挰 1 Reply 路 0 Thumbs 路 1 week ago

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