the Prusa 3D printer I was eyeing got sold :(
9 months ago
@lykso Thanks! I'm not sure how old the material is. Adhesion to the print bed seens to be the issue, I didn't explain it well. Let me try wiping it down. I should try and redjust the print head over the bed. · 9 months ago
@acidus What material are you printing with and how old is it? Some material is prone to warping when temperature differences between the layers gets too great; I built an enclosure for mine to resolve that issue with, e.g., PET.
Adhesion to the print bed might also be an issue. I always wipe the bed down with 90% rubbing alcohol between prints. If you've got the textured steel bed, wiping it with some acetone every once in a blue moon can also greatly enhance its holding power.
All that said, I've had trouble with even PLA warping from some vendors. Quality of material also makes a difference. · 9 months ago
I have an Prusa 3D printer, but when printing the already printed material on the plate will torque and twist and the print is ruined. I think the head might be too print high off the plate? Not really sure. What's a good place to trouble shoot 3d printers? I found the Prusa forums not very helpful. · 9 months ago
time to repair your Ender-3. How hard can it be? · 9 months ago