馃懡 gyaradong

Kind of strange how everyone is building apps on top of Gemini, when the idea of partially to use appropriate protocols to solve appropriate problems.

1 year ago 路 馃憤 devyl


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5 Replies

馃懡 gyaradong

Wikipedia makes a lot of sense. Maybe Gutenberg is another corpus we could add. 路 11 months ago

馃懡 mimas

perhaps you could also say that app building seems to be the big topic at gemini and somehow also at station. I would like to see more content overall and maybe something other than IT stuff (for next year). ;) 路 1 year ago

馃懡 lykso

We are torn between wanting chaos and novelty and wanting homeostasis. As soon as we make a tool, we ask ourselves "now how can we misuse this in new and interesting ways?" 路 1 year ago

馃懡 gritty

agree. it's the double edge sword of making a place potentially more appealing or interesting. 路 1 year ago

馃懡 chluehr

True - but as a backend developer, gmi frees you of the burden of using various complex toolkits, frameworks for the frontend. And it is amazing what Skyjake has done with BBS in terms of usability working within those limitations ... 路 1 year ago