From Vultures over Europe by Phillip Day

2011-09-01 08:23:30

Psychiatry (19th century) - this new 'science of the mind' - and its racist sub-philosophies are to have tragic repercussions for Europe in the first half of the 20th century. Psychiatry produces the necessary flame of racism towards the end of the 1800's by pathologising into 'a disease' the hatred for others. Authors R der, Kubillus and Burwell report:

"In 1850, psychiatrist C T Groddeck was awarded a doctorate for his dissertation entitled "The Democratic Disease - A New Form of Insanity". In Groddeck's view, every democratically inclined person was insane. In 1854 his colleague, C J Wretholm, 'discovered' the 'Sermon Disease'. Psychiatrist P J M bius lectured shortly thereafter on the 'psychological feeble-mindedness of the woman'.

Not long thereafter, the leading proponents of psychiatry in Germany were advocating the theory that anyone who refused military service for religious reasons was abnormal and 'sick'. A psychiatrist named Adolf Hoppe characterised conscientious objection to military service as an 'unmistakable expression of ethnic inferiority'. One of psychiatry's leading figures, Richard von Krafft-Ebing, added to his list of varieties of mental disorders 'political and reformatory insanity' - meaning any inclination to form a different opinion from that of the masses. An excellent tool was thus created for politicians to denounce opponents. With the help of psychiatric classifications, it was now possible to perform the character assassination of a political enemy in the wink of an eye - anyone who disagreed was obviously insane."

By 1871, the trend is in full-swing. Psychiatrist Carl Stark publishes a treatise entitled "The Psychical Degeneration of the French People", in which he presents the concept that the French have degenerated into mass-delusion, warmongering and delirium. Now, with being French a mental illness, others come forward. L wenfeld discusses 'the national character of the French and its sickly excesses':

"The kind of mental abnormalities emerging nowadays belong to a borderline area which I label as psychopathy, psychopathic inferiorities, psychopathic conditions, and so on. I believe therefore that it is justified now to talk about a 'psychopathia gallica', which should by now be obvious."

Psychiatry is soon seen adopting the paradox of glorifying war and xenophobia while at the same time denouncing pacifism and tolerance of minorities. The warmongering pronouncements of Nietzsche, Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Joseph-Arthur, Comte de Gobineau and others of their persuasion have, by the first decade of the 1900's, taken firm root and primed Europe for war. The Illuminati cryptocracy and its banks, championed by the Rothschild dynasty, are forever courting powerful leaders. They have not been idle in their efforts to subvert nationalism, denigrate and dismantle national sovereignty, corrupt the money supply with their inflatable paper notes of debt (paper currency), and plant in the minds of many the desirability to move towards a world order. Europe has become a patchwork of national treaties which compel countries to go to the aid of their treaty partners in the event that war is declared upon the partner. All that is needed is a spark.