Past puzzle: 2024-11-23 | Crostic Nines ⑨


0 ............conSummation....... [12]
1 ...........dispOsition......... [11]
2 .............faLsity........... [7]
3 ..........subtlE............... [6]
4 ...........accuMulated......... [11]
5 .........discerNing............ [10]
6 ............enlIghtened........ [11]
7 ........emphasiZing............ [11]
8 ...........subjEction.......... [10]

Crostic nine: SOLEMNIZE


Look up definitions in Webster's Unabridged Dictionary.

consummation - the act of bringing to completion or fruition

disposition - a natural or acquired habit or characteristic tendency in a person or thing

falsity - a false statement

subtle - working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way

accumulated - increased by natural growth or addition

discerning - having or revealing keen insight and good judgment

enlightened - people who have been introduced to the mysteries of some field or activity

emphasizing - to stress, single out as important

subjection - forced submission to control by others

solemnize - perform (the wedding ceremony) with proper ceremonies

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210... Deeby................  33G 4H  23m  
105... dragfyre.............  12G 7H  2h37m

G: Guesses used               H: Hints used

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