Past puzzle: 2024-11-28 | Crostic Nines ⑨


0 ...............Profit.......... [6]
1 ...........unafRaid............ [8]
2 .........blamewOrthy........... [11]
3 ...............Closed.......... [6]
4 ..........advicE............... [6]
5 ...........contEst............. [7]
6 ...............Defilements..... [11]
7 .............shEltering........ [10]
8 .............inDirectly........ [10]

Crostic nine: PROCEEDED


Look up definitions in Webster's Unabridged Dictionary.

profit - make a profit; gain money or materially

unafraid - free from fear or doubt; easy in mind

blameworthy - having done something wrong and deserving censure

closed - finished or terminated (meetings, speeches, etc.)

advice - a popular theme for columnists

contest - an occasion on which a winner is selected from among two or more contestants

defilements - the state of being polluted

sheltering - provide shelter for

indirectly - not in a forthright manner

proceeded - move ahead; travel onward in time or space

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105... dragfyre.............  12G 2H  59m  

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