Past puzzle: 2024-11-29 | Crostic Nines ⑨


0 ...............Properly........ [8]
1 ...............Register........ [8]
2 ............affEcted........... [8]
3 ............proVen............. [6]
4 .............spEaker........... [7]
5 ..............eNlist........... [6]
6 ...............Troubled........ [8]
7 ...........girdEd.............. [6]
8 ...........stanDard............ [8]

Crostic nine: PREVENTED


Look up definitions in Webster's Unabridged Dictionary.

properly - in the right manner

register - a book in which names and transactions are listed

affected - had an emotional or cognitive impact upon

proven - provide evidence for

speaker - electro-acoustic transducer that converts electrical signals into sounds loud enough to be heard at a distance

enlist - hire for work or assistance

troubled - cause bodily suffering to and make sick or indisposed

girded - put a girdle on or around

standard - the value behind the money in a monetary system

prevented - keep from happening or arising; make impossible

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395... dragfyre.............  26G 0H  2h20m
150... Deeby................  49G 0H  59m  

G: Guesses used               H: Hints used

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