Past puzzle: 2024-11-30 | Crostic Nines ⑨


0 ...........chilDren............ [8]
1 .....unavoidablE............... [11]
2 ..............eFfort........... [6]
3 ..........countEnanced......... [12]
4 .............coNceivable....... [11]
5 ..........islanD............... [6]
6 ...........despAir............. [7]
7 ..............iNdifferent...... [11]
8 .............inTercalate....... [11]

Crostic nine: DEFENDANT


Look up definitions in Webster's Unabridged Dictionary.

children - an immature childish person

unavoidable - impossible to avoid or evade:

effort - earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something

countenanced - agreed to or accepted

conceivable - capable of being imagined

island - a land mass (smaller than a continent) that is surrounded by water

despair - the feeling that everything is wrong and nothing will turn out well

indifferent - showing no care or concern in attitude or action

intercalate - insert (days) in a calendar

defendant - a person or institution against whom an action is brought in a court of law; the person being sued or accused

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285... dragfyre.............  13G 8H  3h3m 
50.... drh3xx...............  19G 9H       

G: Guesses used               H: Hints used

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