Past puzzle: 2024-12-05 | Crostic Nines ⑨


0 ...............Debates......... [7]
1 ........demoralIzing........... [12]
2 ...............Friendly........ [8]
3 ...............Flicker......... [7]
4 ..............lIghts........... [6]
5 ...............Congresses...... [10]
6 ..............bUtchering....... [10]
7 ..........gospeL............... [6]
8 ...........erecTing............ [8]

Crostic nine: DIFFICULT


Look up definitions in Webster's Unabridged Dictionary.

debates - argue with one another

demoralizing - lowering someone's spirits; making downhearted

friendly - easy to understand or use

flicker - North American woodpecker

lights - any device serving as a source of illumination

congresses - a national legislative assembly

butchering - the business of a butcher

gospel - the written body of teachings of a religious group that are generally accepted by that group

erecting - cause to rise up

difficult - hard to control; ,

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293... Deeby................  26G 2H  16m  

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