2009-08-13 05:42:36
Crisps and other fried or baked foods like rice, potatoes bread and cereals may in some cases cause cancer. That is what a panel of Swedish scientists has revealed.
Research carried out at Stockholm University in co-operation with the government Food Safety Agency showed that acrylamide, known as a probable cancer causing agent is formed in high concentrations when carbohydrate-rich foods are fried or baked but not when they are boiled. Acrylamide is used in very small dose to treat water but it would seem many products we eat every day contain much more.
The results of the research were deemed so important and surprising that the scientists took the rare step of going public with them before publishing them in an academic journal.
Experts at the World Health Organisation say they will be looking into the report but that so far the findings were only preliminary and would not be acted upon.