Some programs have their version in their name like 'ruby33' or 'nethack-3.6.6'. That can be confusing and possibly break some scripts, but not that big of a deal. I don't think you can have multiple versions from the package manager at one time, so it feels a bit weird.
OpenBSD actually crashed on me. I was just doing my bussiness, and suddenly I was in the tty. It said 'uvm_fault(0xffffffd824d7bbad8, 0x60, 0, 1) -> e' and didn't react to any input. After searching it up, it seems to be some memory related thing... Weird. I couldn't find any logs, so I just left it be for now.
First of all, The trackpoint is slooow. I looked it up, and the only way to make it faster is:
xinput set-prop "/dev/wsmouse" "Device Accel Constant Deceleration" <multiplier>
It also speeds up the mouse, so I had to compromise. I setteled on 0.6. It does not hurt to have the mouse a bit faster anyways.
Secondly, I probably didn't mention it previously, but in OpenBSD, the multimedia keys actually work by default. (well, at least the sound and brightness ones)
The settings are not persistent tho, so I looked for a way to make them persist. All I found were ways to configure default values, which is fine by me.
Display is handeled by
and sound by
as opposed to linux, where everything is handeled by systemd. This also means they need to have their own config files. Configs are still in '/etc', unlike in FreeBSD, which tried to put a lot of stuff into '/usr/etc' and '/usr/share/etc'.
You will need to create them, but OpenBSD has '/etc/examples' with example configs, which is a nice addition.
While researching, I also stumbeled into
post, which talks about configuring OpenBSD on a laptop. I decided to follow it a bit. (While checking everything of course!)
First of all, I disabled the
which is started by
in '/etc/X11/xenodm/Xsetup_0'.
Then I applied better battery management by running:
rcctl enable apmd rcctl set apmd flags -A rcctl start apmd
My battery may be already dead (it came like this with the laptop), but I might get a new one later.
It also talked about OpenBSD limiting some resources by default. I don't know any computer-related numbers, but my seemed lower that theirs, so I added myself in the 'staff' group and eddited
as follows:
staff:\ :datasize-cur=1024M:\ :datasize-max=8192M:\ :maxproc-cur=512:\ :maxproc-max=1024:\ :openfiles-cur=4096:\ :openfiles-max=8192:\ :stacksize-cur=32M:\ :ignorenologin:\ :requirehome@:\ :tc=default:
Higher numbers are better, right? I'm very bad at translating numbers to actual value.
Next thing they talked about was adding 'softdep' and 'noatime' to
. (and yes, I'm gonna continue doing the manpage thing) They said the 'softdep' will make things better, but the manpage said it has no effect. The blog is 6 years old and it explains 'softdep' by linking to a nonexistent OpenBSD FAQ section, so I guess some things changed...
'noatime' is recommended for laptops by the manpage tho, so I added that.
Lastly, I added the anti-screan-tearing config. Unlike FreeBSD, OpenBSD configured the external monitor correctly by default. But when I apply the config, it sets it to mirroring instead. I tried to set it up manually, but to no effect. In the end, I just added the following to my '~/.xsession':
xrandr --output DP1 --auto --right-of eDP1
Few minutes after finishing this, I noticed some annoyng lag even when the system was not under heavy load. I tracked it back to the anti-screen-tearing setting. As I was not annoyed by any screen tearing before, I no longer use that config.
That's it. Have a nice existence.