< willowashmaple.sbs


2024-12-11 New feature: Internet Today

2024-12-05 29 years ago today

2024-12-05 A housekeeping announcement

2024-11-10 How the U.S. state of California began

2024-11-09 Culture matters.

2024-11-08 I want to rant a bit more.

2024-11-08 I want to rant a bit.

2024-11-08 Some post-election writings

2024-10-15 Differences between activists, politicians, and iconoclasts

2024-10-13 Ugly things about mental health

2024-10-06 A case for religion

2024-09-01 The ultimate weather apps

2024-08-31 On the recent escalation of anti-trans politics in the United States

2024-08-30 Save our children!

2024-07-23 Chromebook may be the most badass computer of all times

2024-07-18 On my evolving views on gender and feminism

2024-07-17 Get out of your echo chamber!

2024-07-16 My reflections and thoughts on the United States of America today

2024-07-13 My thoughts on ordained ministries

2024-07-09 Delete your news apps!

2024-07-05 A case for public school Bible (and more) curriculum

2024-07-03 Spinning false narratives

2024-06-30 Things about my name

2024-06-19 Have a good day, Amanda (a flash fiction)

2024-06-17 No-cost theological and biblical studies resources

2024-06-12 Firefox slow?

2024-06-10 Echoes of tomorrow (a flash fiction)

2024-04-04 33 years ago

2024-03-10 Claiming a letter

2024-02-26 Turning the tide on drug policy: Why re-criminalizing is not the answer and the urgent need for health-centered approaches

2024-02-25 Recipes from re-education

2024-02-23 Willow's HDR reviews

2024-02-20 From a utopian romantic comedy to a long-term policy direction

2024-02-16 Caution if you're a Chromebook Linux user

2024-02-14 ChatGPT wrote a wild stories for me

2024-01-11 What am I anyway?

2024-01-01 Calendar

2024-01-01 New year reflections

2023-10-22 Random thoughts on the next generations

2023-10-16 Some quandaries

2023-09-30 How the Millennials of both sides are fueling violence and division online

2023-09-08 How to increase Bible engagement

2023-08-26 Summer recap

2023-05-17 One year!

2023-04-29 On finding my equilibrium

2023-04-20 What's up Willow?!

2023-04-19 A nonbinary option: Some thoughts from ChatGPT

2023-04-08 Holy Week reflections

2023-03-28 Fun with Artificial Intelligence: AI-generated art 1

2023-03-24 Love the sinners, hate the sin?

Older posts


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