What is a "Now Page"?

Willow's Now Page


- So this site is now willowashmaple.sbs. "SBS" ostensibly stands for "Side By Side."

- In addition to this site, I am also writing in two of my newsletters:

Reimagining Statecraft (mostly my political commentaries)

Boundless Expeditions (the newsletter of Infinitus Ministries)

- On my quest for how far I can go on public transit in a day, I have gone as far as Western Oregon University in Monmouth, Oregon. (My farthest reaches in other directions are Downtown Astoria to the northwest and the Timberline Lodge to the east.)

- Since 2021, I have been in a ministry school and working toward a three-year diploma in divinity. A lot of other things have gone to the backburners. As of Dec. 2, 2024, I have earned 79 credits (GPA 3.882) and have earned a Diploma of Ministry and a Commissioned Pastoral Certificate.

- I have survived the homiletics class and got an A. It has proved to be one of the toughest classes I have taken. There are so many things that go into preaching, I have come to develop a deep appreciation for pastors who do this week in and week out! (I will be posting my second sermon assignment online soon. The first one was pathetic.)

- I have "soft-launched" (I really dislike that term, "launch," but for want of a better word) Infinitus Ministries.

Infinitus Ministries

- There is now a private Signal group for neurodivergent and/or queer Christians. Come join us if you're interested.

Infinitus Fireside on Signal

- The 2024 gardening season was a wrap. This year, corn did not do well. Everything else, I have had a great harvest!

- I'm relearning art, now in digital form. I bought a Wacom Intuous tablet some time ago. Also: I am trying to reestablish a habit of creating art on a regular basis!


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