Music-Disk Deadline 2024

   Author:       Pattern Syndicate
   Uploader:     punivoid protonmail com (Puni)
   Type:         demo/sound
   Version:      1
   Architecture: m68k-amigaos
   Date:         2024-10-07
   Downloads:    5


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H7 _\___/ __________ \___/ |____/ ________\____/dS!

\ _______________ _ .d,_ _,dX,_ _ ___________ .

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| ______\ "'/4QXXXXXXQ7\'" /____ |

| :: 7 ?????? 7 :: |

| : __ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ : |

| /_ /_( /_ /_ / /_ /_( /_ /_ / /_( / / _\ /// / _\ _\ / /_/ / / _\ |

| . . |

| :: : . .: |

| :: | .___ pattern syndicate % tactical transmissions ___. . :: |

| :: | |/ \| : :: |

| :: | | | | :: |

| :: | : Who are you? : | :: |

| :: | . . | :: |

| :: | Pattern Syndicate is a new elite collective of | :: |

| :: | . Amiga tracker musicians. . | :: |

| :: | | :: |

| :: | | :: |

| :: | What is this? | :: |

| :: | | :: |

| :: | Tactical Transmissions is the first production from | :: |

| :: | us. A continuous DJ mix music disk collating some of | :: |

| :: | the finest and freshest Techno ProTracker can muster. | :: |

| :: | Designed to operate on any Amiga with 512kb chip RAM | :: |

| :: | and 512kb of any other RAM. | :: |

| :: | | :: |

| :: | | :: |

| :: | Credits? | :: |

| :: | | :: |

: .: | Music - Chlumpie | :. :

| :. | Danko | .: |

| .. : Da Jormas : .. |

| . | h0ffman | . |

| :: | Juice | :: |

| :: | LMan feat. Sunflower | :: |

| :: | Teo | :: |

| :: | XSM | :: |

| :: | Code - h0ffman | :: |

| :: | Gigabates | :: |

| :: | Design - Iridon | :: |

| :: | DJ Mix - h0ffman | :: |

| :: | ASCII - h7 | :: |

| :: | | :: |

| :: | | :: |

| :: | How does it work? | :: |

| :: | | :: |

| :: | Pattern Syndicate built their own module mixing and | :: |

| :: | sample streaming disk system. We hope you enjoy the | :: |

| :: | additional synchronised disk access on the beat. | :: |

| :: | | :: |

| :: | | :: |

| :: | How do I run it? | :: |

| :: | | :: |

| :: | ADF and Amiga EXE included. Best experienced in MONO | :: |

| :: | through a good sound system and viewed through a CRT | :: |

| :: | to maximise out 640x512 mega resolution. | :: |

| :: | | :: |

| :: | | :: |

| :: | Tracklist? | :: |

| :: | | :: |

| :: | :----:-----------------------:-----------------------------: | :: |

: .: | | Id | Artist | Track Title | | :. :

| :. | :----:-----------------------:-----------------------------: | .: |

| .. : | 01 | Chlumpie | Nodefixer | : .. |

| . | | 02 | Juice | Fintech | | . |

| :: | | 03 | Firefox And Tip | Hyperbased (h0ffman Remix) | | :: |

| :: | | 04 | Danko | Saman Kar Tanesi | | :: |

| :: | | 05 | Chlumpie | Manipulative Charmer | | :: |

| :: | | 06 | h0ffman | Berlin Warehouse | | :: |

| :: | | 07 | Teo | Circuit Breaker | | :: |

| :: | | 08 | Lman Feat Sunflower | Technogott | | :: |

| :: | | 09 | Teo | Core Tech | | :: |

| :: | | 10 | XSM | Pinball | | :: |

| :: | | 11 | Da Jormas | Anthem | | :: |

| :: | :----:-----------------------:-----------------------------: | :: |

| :: | | :: |

| :: | | :: |

| :: | Statistics? | :: |

| :: | | :: |

| :: | 160 unique samples - 2,083,766 bytes | :: |

| :: | 310 unique patterns - 317,440 bytes | :: |

| :: | Total uncompressed music data - 2,401,206 bytes | :: |

| :: | | :: |

: .: | | :. :

| :. | What's next? | .: |

| .. : : .. |

| . | More music.. soon! | . |

| :: | | :: |

| :: | | :: |

| :: | h0ffman's words: | :: |

| :: | | :: |

| :: | A huge thank you to all the musicians for contributing | :: |

| :: | to this project with their awesome tracks. Also big up | :: |

| :: | to Iridon for the slick AF design work and understanding | :: |

| :: | what we were trying to achieve visually. | :: |

| :: | | :: |

| :: | Lastly, a big shout out to the TTE discord massive who | :: |

| :: | chipped in with a stack of real hardware testing. | :: |

| :: | | :: |

: .: | | :. :

| :. | teo's words: | .: |

| .. : : .. |

| . | a musicdisk inspired by | . |

| :. | | .: |

| :: | * the lack of techno tunes for pt 1210 dj sets | :: |

| :: | * da jormas | :: |

| :: | * toilet flush / elke | :: |

| :: | | :: |

| :: | the end result exceeds what i imagined in the beginning, | :: |

| :: | so big up to h0ffman to pull this off, without his | :: |

| :: | dedication we'd be still in planning phase. | :: |

| :: | | :: |

| :: | well done mate! | :: |

| :: | | :: |

| :: | also hugs to all the musicians, who finished their tracks | :: |

| :: | in time for this release! | :: |

| :: | | :: |

| :: | more to come, if you feel to contribute, keep your tracks | :: |

| :: | at 133bpm and small! | :: |

| :: | | :: |

| :: | | :: |

| :: | iridon's words: | :: |

: .: | | :. :

| :. | Greetings to Drareg, keep up all the good work mate! | .: |

| .. : : .. |

| . | | . |

| :. | | .: |

| .. : __________ : .. |

| . | /\ __\ /__ /\ | . |

| .. `--------- /\ -/ \ - .__ \ \\ PS // / __. - / \- /\ ---------' .. |

| _ /\ / \/ /\ \/ | \_ _ \ -- / _ _/ | \/ /\ \/ \ /\ _ |

__/\/\ /\\/ \ \_ (| _|_| \ / |_|_ |) _/ / \//\ /\/\__

\/ \ /\ /\ /\ . |__/ _ __\\//__ _ \__| \ /\ /\ /\ / \/

V \/ \/ \ / \ / \ / \/ \/ V

V \ / V


Contents of demo/sound/

Archive:  /home/aminet/aminet_root/doc//demo/sound/
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
       0  Stored        0   0% 2024-10-04 08:37 00000000  mods/
  131998  Defl:N    63558  52% 2024-10-04 08:36 4c01255c  mods/chlumpie_-_manipulative charmer.mod
  129292  Defl:N    53211  59% 2024-10-04 08:35 5362637a  mods/chlumpie_-_nodefixer.mod
  280862  Defl:N   167134  41% 2024-10-04 08:34 ec864409  mods/danko_-_saman kar tanesi.mod
  139548  Defl:N    89375  36% 2024-09-23 18:14 32b7ff6c  mods/da_jormas_-_anthem.mod
  326408  Defl:N   216452  34% 2024-10-04 08:28 b9b3d41b  mods/firefox_and_tip_-_hyperbased-h0ffrmx.mod
  264884  Defl:N   148225  44% 2024-10-04 08:28 4f1a1ef5  mods/h0ffman_-_berlin_warehouse.mod
  264746  Defl:N   153832  42% 2024-08-05 14:27 1adbb756  mods/juice_-_fintech.mod
  275454  Defl:N   131921  52% 2024-09-16 22:19 bfcb7025  mods/lman_feat_sunflower_-_technogott.mod
  211636  Defl:N   137350  35% 2024-07-25 11:10 05b90f8d  mods/teo_-_circuit_breaker.mod
  211298  Defl:N   101355  52% 2024-08-08 10:27 20d1b304  mods/teo_-_core_tech.mod
  445598  Defl:N   254561  43% 2024-10-04 08:37 040930dc  mods/xsm_-_pinball.mod
  901120  Defl:N   888613   1% 2024-10-03 12:51 1840d322  ps_tt01.adf
 2513728  Defl:N  1534779  39% 2024-10-03 14:12 cc3c7187  ps_tt01.exe
   11717  Defl:N     2362  80% 2024-10-03 20:51 45c566d9  readme.txt
--------          -------  ---                            -------
 6108289          3942728  36%                            15 files

Aminet © 1992-2024 Urban Müller and the Aminet team. Aminet contact address: <aminet aminet net>