Signetics-based machines emulator

   Author:       amigansoftware at (James Jacobs)
   Uploader:     amigansoftware gmail com (James Jacobs)
   Type:         misc/emu
   Version:      33.42
   Architecture: ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.0
   Kurz:         Signetics-basierter Maschinen Emulator
   Date:         2024-10-27
   Downloads:    12220

AmiArcadia and WinArcadia are multi-emulators/assemblers/disassemblers of

these machines:

* Emerson Arcadia 2001 console family (Bandai, Emerson,

Grandstand, Intervision, Leisure-Vision, Leonardo, MPT-03, Ormatu,

Palladium, Poppy, Robdajet, Tele-Fever, Tempest, Tryom, Tunix,

etc.) (c. 1982);

* Interton VC 4000 console family (Acetronic, Cabel, Fountain,

Hanimex, Interton, Prinztronic, Radofin, Rowtron, Soundic, Voltmace,

Waddingtons, etc.) (c. 1978);

* Elektor TV Games Computer (1979);

* PIPBUG- and BINBUG-based machines (EA 77up2, EA 78up5, Signetics

Adaptable Board Computer, Eurocard 2650, etc.) (1977-1978);

* Signetics Instructor 50 trainer (1978);

* Signetics TWIN minicomputer (1976);

* Central Data 2650 microcomputer (1977);

* PHUNSY microcomputer (c. 1980);

* Ravensburger Selbstbaucomputer aka 2650 Minimal Computer trainer


* Hofacker MIKIT 2650 trainer (1978);

* Astro Wars, Galaxia, Laser Battle and Lazarian coin-ops by

Zaccaria (1979-1981);

* Malzak 1 and 2 coin-ops by Kitronix (c. 1981);

* AY-3-8500/8550/8600-based Pong systems (Coleco Telstar Galaxy, Sheen

TVG-201, etc.) (1976-1977); and

* VTech Type-right machine (1985).

Features include: ReAction GUI, load/save states, windowed and full-

screen modes, CPU tracing, trainer, drag and drop support, graphics

scaling, automatic load/save of configuration/game, keyboard/joystick/

gamepad/paddle/mouse/trackball/Vision-dapter support, autofire, turbo

mode, gameplay recording/playback, sprite demultiplexing, help windows,

source code, real-time debugger, frame skipping, redefinable keys, save

screenshots (9 supported formats), REXX port, network play (IPv4 and

IPv6), real-time monitor, locale support, game selection sidebar,

text-to-speech, printer output, artefacting, support for ZIPped games,

clipboard support, palette editor, tone retuning, high score management,

force feedback, sprite editor, 3D, assembler, disassembler, CALM support,

Scale2x/3x/4x and HQx filters, animation recording (5 supported formats),

sound recording (8 supported formats), horizon dejittering, tape decks (4

supported formats), RetroAchievements support, printer emulation, floppy

disk drive emulation, screen editor.

The supported languages are currently English, Dutch, French, German,

Greek, Italian, Polish, Russian and Spanish.

OS4.1FEu1 or later, AISS (Amiga Image Storage System), the AmigaOS

Enhancer Software Core and OpenURL are recommended but not required.

Changes since V33.41:


* Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.


wa: adjust sound subwin: adjusted gadget layout slightly.

incorporated Samir's latest Italian translation.

aa: quit confirmation subwin: localized keyboard shortcuts.

twin: printer subwin: "save graphics as..." commands now preserve

ribbon colours.

coding guide, gaming guide: changed links to point to HTML version

instead of ASCII version.

selbst: fixed: window height was being miscalculated when "blanking

areas?" toggle was on.

selbst: added support for "Settings|VDU|Blinking cursor?" toggle.

phunsy: fixed: when "blanking areas?" and "show LEDs?" toggles were

both on, it was corrupting part of the display.

wa: printer subwin: adjusted gadget layout slightly.

fixed: wrong localized message was used when adding a conditional I/O


Contents of misc/emu/AmiArcadia-OS4.lha

---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[Amiga]                   5041    6340  79.5% -lh5- e48b Apr 24  2024
[Amiga]                2068844 5780792  35.8% -lh5- fc4d Oct 28 09:03 AmiArcadia/AmiArcadia
[Amiga]                 147529  488060  30.2% -lh5- aa90 Oct 28 08:20 AmiArcadia/
[Amiga]                   8055   10384  77.6% -lh5- e06a Apr 14  2024 AmiArcadia/
[Amiga]                   9624   11298  85.2% -lh5- c2f0 Apr 14  2024 AmiArcadia/
[Amiga]                   1952    2352  83.0% -lh5- cc95 Apr 14  2024 AmiArcadia/
[Amiga]                    243     353  68.8% -lh5- 37c6 Jun  4 10:20 AmiArcadia/ARexx/jumpscreen.rexx
[Amiga]                   1873    2152  87.0% -lh5- 6f9f Feb 15  2021 AmiArcadia/ARexx/
[Amiga]                    198     332  59.6% -lh5- c5c7 Jun  4 10:20 AmiArcadia/ARexx/resetconfig.rexx
[Amiga]                   1874    2152  87.1% -lh5- 321d Feb 15  2021 AmiArcadia/ARexx/
[Amiga]                    270     395  68.4% -lh5- cbf1 Jun  4 10:27 AmiArcadia/ARexx/showhelp.rexx
[Amiga]                   1874    2152  87.1% -lh5- 4ed0 Feb 15  2021 AmiArcadia/ARexx/
[Amiga]                  11983   27904  42.9% -lh5- 19fe Oct 28 09:03 AmiArcadia/Catalogs/dutch/AmiArcadia.catalog
[Amiga]                  13416   32638  41.1% -lh5- 6ae9 Oct 28 09:03 AmiArcadia/Catalogs/french/AmiArcadia.catalog
[Amiga]                  17198   45184  38.1% -lh5- 7123 Oct 28 09:03 AmiArcadia/Catalogs/german/AmiArcadia.catalog
[Amiga]                  20062   51350  39.1% -lh5- 4c01 Oct 28 09:04 AmiArcadia/Catalogs/greek/AmiArcadia.catalog
[Amiga]                  17941   48730  36.8% -lh5- c956 Oct 28 09:03 AmiArcadia/Catalogs/italian/AmiArcadia.catalog
[Amiga]                  13688   31400  43.6% -lh5- 66b1 Oct 28 09:03 AmiArcadia/Catalogs/polish/AmiArcadia.catalog
[Amiga]                  17778   43098  41.3% -lh5- 685e Oct 28 09:03 AmiArcadia/Catalogs/russian/AmiArcadia.catalog
[Amiga]                  14026   34404  40.8% -lh5- 9391 Oct 28 09:04 AmiArcadia/Catalogs/spanish/AmiArcadia.catalog
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        20 files 2373469 6621470  35.8%            Oct 28 01:55

Aminet © 1992-2024 Urban Müller and the Aminet team. Aminet contact address: <aminet aminet net>