Melodic Design

Another way to melody is to get an instrument, possibly also a wood shed or similar where you will not or less disturb other people (parking garage stairways are often pretty barren, apart from the occasional homeless, ground staff, or those folks who sit in cars passing by), and to spend some amount of time with that instrument.


A potential problem here is that a free-floating melody can be ungrounded, free of any rhythmic or harmonic constraints, so you may also want to practice sometimes with others, or to bring along a small drum machine or something to play against.

The melody? It's a V-I motion mostly in E minor (minus C, plus rare A-flat) but wanders around a lot in between. Where the melody begins and ends (and whether it leaps around) can be important if you're trying to write a fugue, though fugue will often use shorter melodic phrases, ones designed so that double counterpoint or other techniques can be applied.

    $ atonal-util basic e fis g a b d    
    $ atonal-util basic e fis g a b d aes
    c,d,e,f,ges,g,a half_prime

The diatonic hexachord (set class 6-32) might be fun to read up on? The melody is minus C as that note never sounded good on any of the tin whistles I was practicing on, or maybe you have a piano where that key is broken. Another approach is to borrow or rent a lot of different instruments. You need not be competent with any of them, but for composition it may be handy to know a little more than nothing about various instruments.