Jedi are supposed to construct their own lightsabre, except when they do not, such as when the RNG or more likely the plot drops the Darksabre. Most sword swingers, however, are probably not also blacksmiths, so there can be tradeoffs in how much specialization one dabbles with; your sword swinging may well be impaired if you spend too much time obsessing over what a real anvil is. On the other hand, knowing at least something about how to build a tool may help a user of that tool better discuss issues with or select tool variations from builders of said tools. A risk here is when a cultural practice—"build it yourself!"—is cleaved to regardless of whether it makes sense in the given situation. Granted, if it's orders from the CEO one might better avoid the Personnel Improvement Program by toeing the line. Focus on our core competencies—"don't build it yourself!"—even if that increases our opex and capex? Sir, yes sir! The difference between orders on high and cultural mandate is left as an exercise for the reader. After all, the nail that stands out is hammered down. Hopefully not with a sword.