"Where in the World?" Archive: 201-250


Where In The World? • Puzzle #248 • 2023-04-05

(Answer: Palau)

When I record an answer here, I try to write down some clues to help me recognize the country in the future. I don't consider it cheating to look at those notes later, since they only provide hints without images, and I ultimately have to rely on my memory to make sure those hints are relevant. Those notes are the only reason I got this answer right today.

Where In The World? • Puzzle #247 • 2023-04-04

(Answer: South Africa)

Where In The World? • Puzzle #237 • 2023-03-25

(Answer: Lebanon)

Where In The World? • Puzzle #228 • 2023-03-16

(Answer: Réunion)

More total guesses.

Where In The World? • Puzzle #223 • 2023-03-11

(Answer: Antigua and Barbuda)

I'm pretty sure this was an answer at least once before, which is probably why it looked familiar to me. It took several hops all over the world before I realized the correct answer.

Where In The World? • Puzzle #222 • 2023-03-10

(Answer: Estonia)

From the fragmented nature of the western side of this nation, I figured it bordered a coast, but I wasn't sire which one. My first guess, though I knew it was wrong, was Azerbaijan. It took a few tries to realize the coast was the Baltic Sea.

Where In The World? • Puzzle #220 • 2023-03-08

(Answer: Cyprus)

I don't know how to describe the shape of Cyprus, but it's very distinct to me--especially the northeastern section.

Where In The World? • Puzzle #218 • 2023-03-06

(Answer: Costa Rica)

Well, that was embarrassing--especially since Costa Rica is in my hemisphere, and I think it was even an answer on Where in the Word at least once before.

Where In The World? • Puzzle #217 • 2023-03-05

(Answer: Malta)

More total shots in the dark, based on the fact that my first guess of Morocco was not far away.

Where In The World? • Puzzle #216 • 2023-03-04

(Answer: Brunei)

I won't be fooled by this small country twice.

Where In The World? • Puzzle #215 • 2023-03-03

(Answer: Kiribati)

This was a wild guess through and through. My first guess was British Indian Ocean Territory, way off in the wrong ocean.

Where In The World? • Puzzle #213 • 2023-03-01

(Answer: Montenegro)

Though my knowledge about the Balkans is admittedly lacking, something about the shape of this country immediately made me think of southeast Europe. A few bounces helped me quickly zero in on the correct answer.


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[Last updated: 2024-10-06]