Farewell to Geminispace.info



When I first launched Rob's Gemini Capsule, I was still very new to Geminispace. I didn't know who to follow or what kinds of capsules were out there. At that time, Antenna didn't exist yet, nor did Station, BBS, or most other aggregation services on Gemini.

Geminispace.info filled in the gap for me. Kristall used the capsule as its default search engine. In a new digital space where I didn't know north from south, Geminispace.info led me to many interesting sites and posts, some of which I still return to today. Other Gemini search engines have gained popularity since then, from Kennedy to AuraGem. But Geminispace.info has always been my favorite, and Geminispace.info is the one I always return to.

A few days ago René, operator of Geminispace.info, announced on Mastodon that the service will be retired on 2024-06-01.^ He pays yearly for the VPS that runs it, and due to changes in his life, he has decided not to renew the VPS. The search engine's source code is available on a SourceHut repository,^^ and the capsule will include links to other search engines in the coming days.

I will miss Geminispace.info, and I know I'm not alone in that sentiment. I'd be willing to say that Gemini might have grown differently if it had never existed. I thank you, René, for all the work you put into Geminispace.info. You will be remembered fondly.

^ rwa: "heads up to #Geminauts: search..." - Mastodon (HTTPS)

^^ ~rwa/geminispace.info - gemini search provider - sourcehut git (HTTPS)


Up One Level


[Last updated: 2024-10-06]