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clseibold@auragem.letz.dev (Christian Lee Seibold)
[Misfin-Server] Update 0.5.6c — Hello all! I have released version 0.5.6c of misfin-server! Here's a brief changelog: * Max Concurrent Connections limit (defaults to 2000) * IP-based rate-limiting (defaults to 225 ms, or 50 ms for client certs that have mailboxes on the server) * New Gembox format * Partial GMAP support - fetch in new gembox format, get messages based on ID, tag and ...
clseibold@auragem.letz.dev (Christian Lee Seibold)
Misfin-Server Version 0.5.1 - Major Bug Fix — I have released a major bug fix to my misfin-server software. I realized this was a bug when @mrkubax10 's misfin server was trying to send to my misfin server and both servers got in a deadlock trying to verify each other by sending each other blank messages. This has been fixed by not requiring a verified fingerprint on blank messages, as blank m...
clseibold@auragem.letz.dev (Christian Lee Seibold)
Misfin-Server Version 0.5 Release — * Basic Gemini Interface! Users can now read messages or fetch their gembox with a gemini interface served over the same port as the misfin server. Enable this feature with the command `misfin-server config server gemini-permission member-only`. You can replace `member-only` with `public` or `admin-only` depending on who you want to be able to view...