2019-11-12T00:21:04 #kisslinux dylanaraps: why don't just remove the 404 line in your `_redirects` file 2019-11-12T00:22:53 #kisslinux from Netlify: You can setup a custom 404 page for all paths that don't resolve to a static file. This doesn't require any redirect rules. If you add a `404.html` page to your site, it will be picked up and displayed automatically for any failed paths. 2019-11-12T01:16:13 #kisslinux Had a feeling of d 2019-11-12T01:16:20 #kisslinux *deja vu: https://old.reddit.com/r/unixporn/comments/axedr4/oc_watch_a_bonsai_tree_grow_in_your_terminal/ehtke86/?context=1 2019-11-12T01:18:03 #kisslinux If you don't want to export a declaration based on a variable and won't modify it, you can use `reaodnly "$line"` instead. 2019-11-12T01:54:48 #kisslinux is readonly "$line" POSIX though? 2019-11-12T02:24:00 #kisslinux Yes; I'd use `declare` for non-POSIX 2019-11-12T04:57:14 #kisslinux `((` in pure POSIX sh (though not a keyword obviously): `test.arith() { return $((!($@))); }` 2019-11-12T05:34:28 #kisslinux Whoops *testarith 2019-11-12T07:54:26 #kisslinux looky looky what I found: https://github.com/clbr/nobus 2019-11-12T07:55:01 #kisslinux Going to see if Bluez builds with this. 2019-11-12T07:57:33 #kisslinux nice :D 2019-11-12T08:33:06 #kisslinux I downloaded the Telegram app the other day but it does not open, and it does not print any error output at all, just a "File or directory doesn't exist", What could be the possible reason? 2019-11-12T08:38:41 #kisslinux It's a binary build with glibc and KISS uses musl. 2019-11-12T08:38:52 #kisslinux built* 2019-11-12T08:40:12 #kisslinux This is a dumpster fire: https://git.alpinelinux.org/aports/tree/testing/telegram-desktop?h=master 2019-11-12T08:45:28 #kisslinux Ohh, I see... Thanks, I'm gonna check that out :) 2019-11-12T08:47:13 #kisslinux np :) 2019-11-12T08:54:27 #kisslinux librsvg now depends on Servo. 2019-11-12T08:54:32 #kisslinux https://people.gnome.org/~federico/blog/css-in-librsvg-is-now-in-rust.html 2019-11-12T08:54:34 #kisslinux w e w 2019-11-12T08:55:02 #kisslinux It was also rewritten in rust (though this happend over a year ago). 2019-11-12T08:55:43 #kisslinux Funny side effect: Openbox (with svg support) now depends on rust. A project 5 years with no commits now has a make dep on rust. 2019-11-12T08:56:03 #kisslinux s/now depends on rust./now depends on rust and servo!/ 2019-11-12T09:01:56 #kisslinux Now that rust seems like the option for everyone to go, a lot of packages will be needed to be rebuild with it :x 2019-11-12T09:05:48 #kisslinux I'll be more happy to use rust when GCC (hopefully) gets a backend for it. 2019-11-12T09:05:58 #kisslinux That'd be really nice. 2019-11-12T09:06:23 #kisslinux s/backend/frontend/ (?) 2019-11-12T09:07:09 #kisslinux There's an attempt: https://github.com/redbrain/gccrs 2019-11-12T09:08:37 #kisslinux brb an hour or two. 2019-11-12T09:13:03 #kisslinux is there any offer for lightweight latex compiler? 2019-11-12T09:20:58 #kisslinux hi 2019-11-12T09:21:18 #kisslinux does anyone know if grub keeps any error logs at all 2019-11-12T09:21:49 #kisslinux cause mine just gets to grub loading and then reboots 2019-11-12T09:22:03 #kisslinux i have no idea how to find out what went wrong 2019-11-12T09:31:19 #kisslinux https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21511692 2019-11-12T09:31:22 #kisslinux here we go 2019-11-12T09:40:44 #kisslinux konimex Interesting conversations are coming up (again)... haha 2019-11-12T09:42:27 #kisslinux mahmudov It depends what you use the normal latex for. If you want an alternative you can combine some other tools to get to the same result, ie: use pandoc and a css/js lib to convert the math funcs or something like that, same for images. But I cannot remember what I used in the past :( 2019-11-12T09:46:49 #kisslinux qwer847123046 Well, I don't know if grub keeps any logs, but you can always try with some other distro to see if it has something to do with grub and your computer or if is only a wrong grub installation/configuration. 2019-11-12T09:47:17 #kisslinux i use overleaf, looking some native things for thesis 2019-11-12T09:47:20 #kisslinux Maybe you can get some output if you install grub from other installation. 2019-11-12T09:47:32 #kisslinux texlive-core seems cumbersome 2019-11-12T09:47:50 #kisslinux just curious to anybody use tiny things.. 2019-11-12T09:49:32 #kisslinux Yep, texlive uses a lot of dependencies. If you decide to use it I think you can try to at least isolate it from the system, I have never done this but I think can be accomplished using specific users/directories to handle it, either to installed or remove it. 2019-11-12T09:49:46 #kisslinux Just in case you can't find anything else. 2019-11-12T09:51:38 #kisslinux konimex: a real alternative is s6 + 66 and you get a good init with an easy management. Obarun prove it. But i think you already know that 2019-11-12T09:52:24 #kisslinux there's miktex? 2019-11-12T09:54:15 #kisslinux yes looking at now miktex, but uses qt5 things 2019-11-12T09:55:26 #kisslinux lemme look deeply 2019-11-12T09:55:38 #kisslinux some evil inner voice wants to say "markdown" but that's really not suited for a thesis, i guess 2019-11-12T09:55:40 #kisslinux obarun: I knew of s6 (and 66), and I actually dig its system, but I'm not a fan of the use of compiled database 2019-11-12T09:56:12 #kisslinux unternet I was thinking the same, but same, I didn't say it :x 2019-11-12T09:59:39 #kisslinux I might set up an s6 system by myself in the future though, to see how it (and s6-rc) actually works 2019-11-12T10:02:52 #kisslinux compiled database can be confusing at the start but actually it a reliable way to get exactly the same service (in the same order) at every boot. Once you understood the way to build and update it you get an efficient reliable set of service 2019-11-12T10:03:47 #kisslinux let's say, a compiled database is running (or in s6-rc parlance) is online, if the database is recompiled on-the-fly, wouldn't the services restart? 2019-11-12T10:05:51 #kisslinux nope, i mean let's say you have ntpd and dhcpcd on a compiled one already running, if you add for example httpd the ntpd and dhcpcd is not restarted but httpd will be started 2019-11-12T10:06:44 #kisslinux i actually try to install the things on a fresh kiss installation but i got trouble with grub :p 2019-11-12T10:07:05 #kisslinux well first attempt 2019-11-12T10:07:25 #kisslinux it was inevitable 2019-11-12T10:07:38 #kisslinux ah interesting 2019-11-12T10:09:58 #kisslinux take an minimal obarun ISO and play with it, it will give you a quick view of an concrete implementation of s6 and how the service is handled. 2019-11-12T10:10:35 #kisslinux by the way i really like kiss, good works guys 2019-11-12T10:49:31 #kisslinux obarun: Thanks :) 2019-11-12T10:49:59 #kisslinux Firefox beta is now on the latest (b9). 2019-11-12T10:50:10 #kisslinux Build was 30 minutes faster this time. 2019-11-12T10:54:05 #kisslinux qwer917239027: What's the output from 'grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.conf'? 2019-11-12T11:05:51 #kisslinux dylanaraps About the problem playing sound on Firefox, I found a way to make it work. For some reason that I do now understand the settings we were applying through ~/.asoundrc didn't work or they weren't actually applied, but if the general/global config is changed those changes are actually applied. 2019-11-12T11:06:29 #kisslinux So, knowing that the correct audio card wasn't actually being picked up through ~/.asoundrc, I just changed the default card in the global alsa config file. 2019-11-12T11:06:52 #kisslinux The one that is in: /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf 2019-11-12T11:07:34 #kisslinux Nice 2019-11-12T11:07:37 #kisslinux Glad it works now. 2019-11-12T11:07:37 #kisslinux I changed only these two lines, I put a 1 instead of 0 to pick up the right audio card: 2019-11-12T11:07:39 #kisslinux defaults.ctl.card 1defaults.pcm.card 1 2019-11-12T11:08:04 #kisslinux So I reverted the changes we made in the about:config of firefox, and still the audio is working 2019-11-12T11:08:32 #kisslinux So I told you this just in case someone else tells you they are having this same problem :) 2019-11-12T11:17:49 #kisslinux Thanks :) 2019-11-12T11:40:14 #kisslinux Test video: https://youtu.be/0KU-t-dII1s 2019-11-12T11:40:27 #kisslinux Thoughts on the quality etc? 2019-11-12T11:40:42 #kisslinux This seems to be the smoothest I can get it on this hardware. 2019-11-12T11:41:39 #kisslinux I don't think the quality can be improved without dropping more frames either. 2019-11-12T11:44:02 #kisslinux the lightting could be improved (: 2019-11-12T11:44:34 #kisslinux but y nice. you doin some screencast in future? :D 2019-11-12T11:44:45 #kisslinux That's the plan. 2019-11-12T11:45:00 #kisslinux The rains are here so there's no sun. 2019-11-12T11:45:06 #kisslinux Maybe the kitchen would be better. 2019-11-12T11:46:04 #kisslinux hm, y when you have to inbuilt laptop cam quality would be bad anyways 2019-11-12T11:47:12 #kisslinux It depends if you ask about the camera quality or font rendering ;p 2019-11-12T11:47:33 #kisslinux If it is about the camera quality, just the same claudia said. 2019-11-12T11:47:36 #kisslinux i think for screencastshowoff camera is not important at all but a decent sound quality. -> more focus on content 2019-11-12T11:48:02 #kisslinux If it is about the font rendering, you can change your font for something more bold and that should do the trick. 2019-11-12T11:48:52 #kisslinux Webcam is fixed. 2019-11-12T11:48:54 #kisslinux I think Fira Mono Medium should be good enough, it is not highly bold but is not definitely thin. I think is the best font I have found for screencasting 2019-11-12T11:49:02 #kisslinux Still had glue on it from the tape I use to cover it. 2019-11-12T11:49:06 #kisslinux Gave it a good clean. 2019-11-12T11:49:12 #kisslinux haha 2019-11-12T11:49:43 #kisslinux I'll try and bump up the video quality. 2019-11-12T11:49:54 #kisslinux So long as you can read it I'm not fussed though. 2019-11-12T11:56:42 #kisslinux Quality is perfect now. Heh 2019-11-12T11:59:40 #kisslinux ive made a wiki for wifi connection https://getkiss.org/wiki/wifi-connection-with-wpa_supplicant . somehow the formatation is a bit off the githubpreview. anyways here it is 2019-11-12T12:00:17 #kisslinux I don't think pandoc supports numbered lists. 2019-11-12T12:00:19 #kisslinux Dunno. 2019-11-12T12:00:19 #kisslinux i thought this might be a term many new users stumble about 2019-11-12T12:01:02 #kisslinux You can also setup Wifi using runit services. 2019-11-12T12:01:15 #kisslinux I use something similar to what you describe though. 2019-11-12T12:02:39 #kisslinux instead of the shellscript? i might be interested :D 2019-11-12T12:03:22 #kisslinux It's like a shell script but you put in /etc/sv 2019-11-12T12:03:32 #kisslinux I think there's a dhcpcd sv by default there 2019-11-12T12:04:39 #kisslinux you symlink that sv (/etc/sv/dhcpcd) to /var/service and now you can use sv command to manage it: status, up, down, restart 2019-11-12T12:05:05 #kisslinux ln -s /etc/sv/dhcpcd /var/service 2019-11-12T12:05:14 #kisslinux :) 2019-11-12T12:07:56 #kisslinux I tried to write my own sv for bringing up my card with wpa_supplicant but I think I did something wrong because the wpa_command was being executed on an infinite loop :( 2019-11-12T12:08:43 #kisslinux The dhcpcd works fine though, at least is an one less step ;p 2019-11-12T12:09:17 #kisslinux Temporarily I just put the wpa_supplicant command in the /etc/inittab file, it works just fine for the moment :) 2019-11-12T12:10:08 #kisslinux ah ok when linking the dhcpservice i can remove it from my script. understand 2019-11-12T12:11:19 #kisslinux kissalreadyused: you may want to copy the alsa.conf somewhere since if there's an update to the userspace the file in /usr/share would be overwritten 2019-11-12T12:11:49 #kisslinux i'm pretty sure they will read /etc first, but not sure what file specifically 2019-11-12T12:12:37 #kisslinux dylanaraps: about wifi connections, i would propose connman, it's much easyer 2019-11-12T12:12:53 #kisslinux wpa_supplicant is super easy. 2019-11-12T12:12:57 #kisslinux konimex Thanks for the reminder! 2019-11-12T12:13:03 #kisslinux Set password once and it auto connects when in proximity. 2019-11-12T12:13:07 #kisslinux Set and forget. 2019-11-12T12:14:13 #kisslinux konimex .. and yeah, there's a supposed file that could be read from /etc but I think that file is not included by default. Let me check 2019-11-12T12:14:32 #kisslinux it's not included by default on purpose I presume 2019-11-12T12:18:15 #kisslinux konimex Already checked. Nor /etc/asound.conf nor /etc/alsa/conf.d are there by default. And yes, maybe there are not there on purpose because some of the files that usually are in /etc/alsa/conf.d have something to do with some kernel configs and additional software like, oss or pulseaudio. 2019-11-12T12:18:59 #kisslinux so I guess you can copy the modified file to /etc/asound.conf ? 2019-11-12T12:19:19 #kisslinux I don't know if alsa reads asound.conf though 2019-11-12T12:20:05 #kisslinux dylanaraps: i know, connman is just build around wpa_supplicant, openvpn and bluez. Which provides a centralized way of managing connections 2019-11-12T12:23:31 #kisslinux konimex I'm gonna try later and see what happens, it is supposed to be loaded by the hook that is in /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf 2019-11-12T12:23:55 #kisslinux I already backed up the file alsa.conf by the way, just in case some changes are made by an update ;p 2019-11-12T12:35:09 #kisslinux dylanaraps: openbox deps are what got me to switch to icewm lol, although I'm pretty sure I disabled svg support in it too to avoid a dep, cuz I don't use the panel it provides so I didn't need it 2019-11-12T12:41:09 #kisslinux Well, I'm gonna leave. Have a good morning/night. Later! 2019-11-12T12:46:48 #kisslinux Have you considered PeerTube, by the way? 2019-11-12T12:47:48 #kisslinux not enough content unfortunately 2019-11-12T12:47:56 #kisslinux I have. Couldn't find a good instance I could use. I don't currently have the means to setup my own. 2019-11-12T12:55:02 #kisslinux konimex: I meant for uploading 2019-11-12T12:55:12 #kisslinux dylanaraps: What problems did you find with the instances? 2019-11-12T12:58:39 #kisslinux The only (public) technology instance I found was French and full only political videos. 2019-11-12T13:03:40 #kisslinux https://www.twitch.tv/dylanaraps/ 2019-11-12T13:03:44 #kisslinux I'm live 2019-11-12T13:03:46 #kisslinux sorta 2019-11-12T13:12:21 #kisslinux My power went out. 2019-11-12T13:12:23 #kisslinux lol 2019-11-12T13:14:36 #kisslinux And I'm back online: https://www.twitch.tv/dylanaraps/ 2019-11-12T13:24:25 #kisslinux Why does it have to be tech-focused? Most instances seem to be general-purpose 2019-11-12T13:25:34 #kisslinux Got any links to any "good" ones? 2019-11-12T13:25:42 #kisslinux I'd love to avoid Google. 2019-11-12T13:26:22 #kisslinux what are you using to stream to twitch? OBS? 2019-11-12T13:27:55 #kisslinux ffmpeg 2019-11-12T13:28:02 #kisslinux oh what? 2019-11-12T13:28:05 #kisslinux thats possible? 2019-11-12T13:28:09 #kisslinux Oh yeah 2019-11-12T13:28:42 #kisslinux wow, thats actually kinda cool 2019-11-12T13:32:47 #kisslinux sircmpwn is on spacepub.space, which is accepting registrations. 2019-11-12T13:33:17 #kisslinux Also, DuckDuckGo? StartPage? searx? 2019-11-12T13:33:38 #kisslinux I really don't want to use anything Drew related for obvious reasons. 2019-11-12T13:33:59 #kisslinux Search engines? 2019-11-12T13:34:10 #kisslinux Yep 2019-11-12T13:34:19 #kisslinux wdym? 2019-11-12T13:34:32 #kisslinux DDG SP and searx and search engines 2019-11-12T13:34:44 #kisslinux *are 2019-11-12T13:34:48 #kisslinux Yes 2019-11-12T13:34:53 #kisslinux Are you asking which one I use? 2019-11-12T13:35:36 #kisslinux You said that you wanted to avoid Google 2019-11-12T13:35:55 #kisslinux Yeah 2019-11-12T13:36:19 #kisslinux I'm skeptical of any service which claims to respect privacy and is at the same time 100% free (to use). 2019-11-12T13:36:37 #kisslinux hey dylanaraps, dumb question, but how do you configure sowm if you install it via the kiss package manager? or is that not possible and you have to pull the source and manually configure/compile it? 2019-11-12T13:37:11 #kisslinux Fork the package and configure it to use your own supplied .config. 2019-11-12T13:37:12 #kisslinux I mean, DDG has ads and such 2019-11-12T13:37:15 #kisslinux searx can be self-hosted 2019-11-12T13:37:28 #kisslinux dylanaraps oh DUH. thank you! 2019-11-12T13:37:35 #kisslinux I personally use the git repository directly since it makes development easier. 2019-11-12T13:37:46 #kisslinux shit, spacepub.space got blocked by my school's webfilter 2019-11-12T13:37:52 #kisslinux I don't use any of the tagged released of my software for this reason. 2019-11-12T13:38:08 #kisslinux also love kiss linux so far. boots faster than any other OS I've tried and it's impressive how the package manager is so simple and yet works so well 2019-11-12T13:38:20 #kisslinux ty sir 2019-11-12T13:38:24 #kisslinux Glad you're enjoying it. 2019-11-12T13:38:49 #kisslinux https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/dv4msv/css_in_librsvg_is_now_in_rust_courtesy_of_mozilla/f7axvfh/ 2019-11-12T13:38:54 #kisslinux I'm also skeptical of any search engine which has a deal with Google or Bing for results. 2019-11-12T13:38:54 #kisslinux bzip is now in rust too? 2019-11-12T13:39:01 #kisslinux Dunno(?) 2019-11-12T13:39:06 #kisslinux Maybe it's in progress. 2019-11-12T13:39:27 #kisslinux Startpage is now owned by an advertising company fyi. :( 2019-11-12T13:39:38 #kisslinux oh yikes 2019-11-12T13:40:12 #kisslinux https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Bzip2-Revival-2019 2019-11-12T13:40:15 #kisslinux oh great 2019-11-12T13:40:25 #kisslinux :( 2019-11-12T13:40:30 #kisslinux GNOME????????????????????? 2019-11-12T13:41:44 #kisslinux is Rust just going to become the new programming language of the future 2019-11-12T13:41:50 #kisslinux I hope not. 2019-11-12T13:42:10 #kisslinux and one Debian maintainer in that reddit thread said "gcc developers currently reject because of the instability of the language" 2019-11-12T13:42:40 #kisslinux Yup, saw that. 2019-11-12T13:42:45 #kisslinux so gcc port will never come until at least 7 years, if I'm not exaggerating 2019-11-12T13:42:53 #kisslinux Looks like bzip2 uses cmake now as well. 2019-11-12T13:42:55 #kisslinux oof 2019-11-12T13:43:18 #kisslinux whats wrong with cmake? 2019-11-12T13:43:26 #kisslinux looks like busybox bzip2 is back on menu, or what else could be improved with bzip2, really 2019-11-12T13:43:36 #kisslinux bzip2 is part of our core chroot. 2019-11-12T13:43:41 #kisslinux Which doesn't pull in cmake. 2019-11-12T13:43:53 #kisslinux cmake takes longer than gcc to compile for me. 2019-11-12T13:43:57 #kisslinux It's crazy. 2019-11-12T13:44:24 #kisslinux what's wrong with rust 2019-11-12T13:44:25 #kisslinux Searx instances (generally) don't have deals with bing/google, they just use them, I think. Anyway, you can choose which engines you want to scrape from 2019-11-12T13:44:37 #kisslinux The new bzip2 dev is a part of GNOME fyi. 2019-11-12T13:44:47 #kisslinux Google actually seems to have blocked searx.me 2019-11-12T13:44:54 #kisslinux Of course. 2019-11-12T13:45:01 #kisslinux Will look into it. Thanks 2019-11-12T13:45:25 #kisslinux Rust is huge and is the longest package to compile in the KISS official repos. 2019-11-12T13:45:36 #kisslinux Also the largest to download sources for. 2019-11-12T13:45:48 #kisslinux It's 500MB in size on my machine for 1.39. 2019-11-12T13:46:00 #kisslinux ah gotcha 2019-11-12T13:46:01 #kisslinux Pair it with LLVM's large size and our base image is suddenly huge. 2019-11-12T13:46:14 #kisslinux people seem to really like the language and I've messed around with it a bit and enjoyed it 2019-11-12T13:46:19 #kisslinux Not an ideal situation for a base image. 2019-11-12T13:46:26 #kisslinux makes sense 2019-11-12T13:46:32 #kisslinux Portability is fine (for us) as we stick to x86_64. 2019-11-12T13:46:37 #kisslinux For multi-arch systems it's still iffy. 2019-11-12T13:46:49 #kisslinux GCC is more portable in that context. 2019-11-12T13:47:11 #kisslinux Now were GCC to support Rust as a frontend it'd probably be OK. 2019-11-12T13:47:18 #kisslinux Rust needs to become "stable" though. 2019-11-12T13:47:27 #kisslinux for binary distribution distributing rust-compiled programs are all good since you don't need all of the toolchain infrastructure 2019-11-12T13:47:38 #kisslinux The new rust release breaks Firefox builds < 71.0 beta for example. 2019-11-12T13:47:54 #kisslinux Since each major release still contains breaking changes. 2019-11-12T13:49:00 #kisslinux I packaged ripgrep locally and it requires a network connection during build unless we pull in each of the 50(???) (iirc) dependencies. 2019-11-12T13:49:10 #kisslinux Each rust package can depend on specific and fixed versions too. 2019-11-12T13:49:16 #kisslinux It's messy on our end. 2019-11-12T13:49:49 #kisslinux I'm against needing a network connection for builds as we can't verify checksums for all sources. 2019-11-12T13:49:53 #kisslinux fixed version is actually a good measure though, in a way 2019-11-12T13:50:03 #kisslinux Of course. 2019-11-12T13:50:16 #kisslinux otherwise yet another npm hijack could happen 2019-11-12T13:50:50 #kisslinux speaking of which, it's a bit quiet from node.js 2019-11-12T13:51:00 #kisslinux lol 2019-11-12T13:51:04 #kisslinux Don't jinx it. 2019-11-12T13:51:08 #kisslinux We're overdue. 2019-11-12T13:52:41 #kisslinux bzip2 depends on python for make now too. 2019-11-12T13:52:47 #kisslinux greaaaat 2019-11-12T13:53:23 #kisslinux https://gitlab.com/federicomenaquintero/bzip2/issues/26 2019-11-12T13:53:37 #kisslinux when I installed kiss yesterday I noticed python took the longest to build 2019-11-12T13:54:17 #kisslinux Yeah, it's needed for grub. Ideally we'd swap to a different bootloader but each one needs something additional to build/run. 2019-11-12T13:54:40 #kisslinux Requiring Python for grub works well as Python is needed further down the line regardless. 2019-11-12T13:54:46 #kisslinux rEFInd? 2019-11-12T13:54:55 #kisslinux (Mesa, Firefox, llvm, gtk+3, etc) 2019-11-12T13:55:15 #kisslinux Grub also works since the single build supports UEFI and BIOS in a single package. 2019-11-12T13:55:21 #kisslinux personally not a fan of python and would love to live in a python-free world but I don't think that's ever happening 2019-11-12T13:55:40 #kisslinux In KISS it's only a make dep (all the way up to Firefox). 2019-11-12T13:55:44 #kisslinux So you can remove it after builds. 2019-11-12T13:55:50 #kisslinux oh good to know! 2019-11-12T14:02:18 #kisslinux Other seemingly decent instances are peertube.video, libre.video, ploud.video.fr, and peervideo.net. spacepub.space seems to be the best I could find if you can ignore that drew is on it (I mean, I don't think he's hosting it), but the others are good enough if you don't need an unlimited quota (or can stand french translations) 2019-11-12T14:02:39 #kisslinux Thanks, will look into those. 2019-11-12T14:04:38 #kisslinux I'm live here https://www.twitch.tv/dylanaraps/ 2019-11-12T14:05:43 #kisslinux Never recorded anything before. 2019-11-12T14:05:53 #kisslinux It feels weird. 2019-11-12T14:06:01 #kisslinux Oh well. I have to get used to it. 2019-11-12T14:06:57 #kisslinux I automatically generate dependencies and checksums for Rust packages in Haiku. It's pretty painless, although the recipe file is huge (as you've seen with bat). 2019-11-12T14:07:56 #kisslinux It's probably far simpler to add a "meta" dependency called "network" and make the package manager show a warning if it is required. 2019-11-12T14:07:58 #kisslinux Dunno 2019-11-12T14:08:02 #kisslinux I need to think about it. 2019-11-12T14:08:04 #kisslinux dylanaraps, which recorder app that you use? 2019-11-12T14:08:10 #kisslinux ffmpeg 2019-11-12T14:08:38 #kisslinux is there any script for window 2019-11-12T14:08:44 #kisslinux That's just mpv 2019-11-12T14:08:48 #kisslinux ah ok 2019-11-12T14:10:19 #kisslinux Super simple. Will post the script once I remove my stream key from it etc. 2019-11-12T14:11:35 #kisslinux hi @dylanaraps i was the guy asking about grub earlier if you remember 2019-11-12T14:11:46 #kisslinux Yes 2019-11-12T14:11:46 #kisslinux here is my output from /boot/grub/grug.cfg 2019-11-12T14:11:48 #kisslinux ## DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE## It is automatically generated by grub-mkconfig using templates# from /etc/grub.d and settings from /etc/default/grub#### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/00_header ###insmod part_gptinsmod part_msdosif [ -s $prefix/grubenv ]; then load_envfiif [ "${next_entry}" ] ; then set default="${next_entry}" set next_entry= save_env 2019-11-12T14:11:49 #kisslinux next_entry set boot_once=trueelse set default="0"fiif [ x"${feature_menuentry_id}" = xy ]; then menuentry_id_option="--id"else menuentry_id_option=""fiexport menuentry_id_optionif [ "${prev_saved_entry}" ]; then set saved_entry="${prev_saved_entry}" save_env saved_entry set prev_saved_entry= save_env prev_saved_entry set 2019-11-12T14:11:49 #kisslinux boot_once=truefifunction savedefault { if [ -z "${boot_once}" ]; then saved_entry="${chosen}" save_env saved_entry fi}function load_video { if [ x$feature_all_video_module = xy ]; then insmod all_video else insmod efi_gop insmod efi_uga insmod ieee1275_fb insmod vbe insmod vga insmod video_bochs insmod video_cirrus 2019-11-12T14:11:50 #kisslinux fi}if loadfont unicode ; then set gfxmode=auto load_video insmod gfxtermfiterminal_output gfxtermif [ x$feature_timeout_style = xy ] ; then set timeout_style=menu set timeout=5# Fallback normal timeout code in case the timeout_style feature is# unavailable.else set timeout=5fi### END /etc/grub.d/00_header ###### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/10_linux 2019-11-12T14:11:51 #kisslinux ###### END /etc/grub.d/10_linux ###### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/20_linux_xen ###### END /etc/grub.d/20_linux_xen ###### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober ###### END /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober ###### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/40_custom #### This file provides an easy way to add custom menu entries. Simply type the# menu entries you want to add after this comment. Be 2019-11-12T14:11:51 #kisslinux careful not to change# the 'exec tail' line above.### END /etc/grub.d/40_custom ###### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/41_custom ###if [ -f ${config_directory}/custom.cfg ]; then source ${config_directory}/custom.cfgelif [ -z "${config_directory}" -a -f $prefix/custom.cfg ]; then source $prefix/custom.cfg;fi### END /etc/grub.d/41_custom ### 2019-11-12T14:12:08 #kisslinux let me see if i can format it better 2019-11-12T14:12:20 #kisslinux Might want to post to a paste site 2019-11-12T14:12:25 #kisslinux All good 2019-11-12T14:12:35 #kisslinux For next time, yeah. Probably better. 2019-11-12T14:12:43 #kisslinux https://pastebin.com/Tn7mrmkq 2019-11-12T14:12:45 #kisslinux I meant the output from the 'grub-mkconfig' command. :) 2019-11-12T14:13:09 #kisslinux oh i thought they were the same? 2019-11-12T14:13:16 #kisslinux No no 2019-11-12T14:13:30 #kisslinux Your grub config contains no kernels fyi. 2019-11-12T14:13:38 #kisslinux Hence why I want to see the output of the command. :) 2019-11-12T14:13:52 #kisslinux Also 'ls -1 /boot' if possible. 2019-11-12T14:16:37 #kisslinux heres the output of grub-mkconfig 2019-11-12T14:16:38 #kisslinux https://pastebin.com/hWV8VstS 2019-11-12T14:18:01 #kisslinux heres the output of ls -1 boot 2019-11-12T14:18:02 #kisslinux System.map-5.3.10grubvmlinz-5.3.10 2019-11-12T14:18:11 #kisslinux System.map-5.3.10grubvmlinz-5.3.10 2019-11-12T14:18:20 #kisslinux f 2019-11-12T14:18:29 #kisslinux https://pastebin.com/ZzuYDyyr 2019-11-12T14:18:52 #kisslinux It should look like this: https://p.teknik.io/Raw/7ckdo 2019-11-12T14:18:55 #kisslinux (grub-mkconfig) 2019-11-12T14:19:15 #kisslinux You have a typo. vmlinz -> vmlinuz 2019-11-12T14:19:29 #kisslinux oh wow 2019-11-12T14:20:32 #kisslinux oh yeah grub-mkconfig found an image now 2019-11-12T14:20:34 #kisslinux thx 2019-11-12T14:20:37 #kisslinux np 2019-11-12T14:20:38 #kisslinux i'll try to reboot 2019-11-12T14:23:30 #kisslinux has anyone gotten kiss + xorg to work with virtualbox? I've got the vboxvideo module loaded but when I run `startx` with any window manager I just get a black screen 2019-11-12T14:23:46 #kisslinux Yeah 2019-11-12T14:23:48 #kisslinux 2 secs 2019-11-12T14:25:02 #kisslinux See: https://old.reddit.com/r/unixporn/comments/ducd34/sowm_kiss_d/f7820le/ 2019-11-12T14:25:47 #kisslinux yep I did that haha 2019-11-12T14:27:31 #kisslinux Hm 2019-11-12T14:27:52 #kisslinux Not sure then. It's worth asking ominous_anonymous 2019-11-12T14:28:01 #kisslinux Oh, you're in the comments too. 2019-11-12T14:28:03 #kisslinux lol 2019-11-12T14:29:14 #kisslinux haha yeah 2019-11-12T14:29:55 #kisslinux He'll know better than I. 2019-11-12T14:29:58 #kisslinux :) 2019-11-12T14:31:25 #kisslinux will do :) 2019-11-12T14:42:37 #kisslinux rip its still not working... 2019-11-12T14:42:45 #kisslinux same error 2019-11-12T14:43:03 #kisslinux just says gurb loading and then reboots 2019-11-12T14:44:43 #kisslinux Show me your grub config now? 2019-11-12T14:45:17 #kisslinux grub config as in? 2019-11-12T14:45:29 #kisslinux the one in /etc? 2019-11-12T14:46:16 #kisslinux /boot/grub/grub.cfg 2019-11-12T14:46:24 #kisslinux oh ok 2019-11-12T14:46:53 #kisslinux brb an hour or so. Apologies. 2019-11-12T14:47:04 #kisslinux np thx for helping 2019-11-12T14:47:18 #kisslinux got it to work before don't know why its not working this time 2019-11-12T14:48:29 #kisslinux here it is https://pastebin.com/SE0Bnagf 2019-11-12T16:06:21 #kisslinux Yikes, the rust port of librsvg still uses glib. 2019-11-12T16:15:55 #kisslinux bzip2 1.X.X will stay around "for embedded" use. https://people.gnome.org/~federico/blog/bzip2-107-is-released.html 2019-11-12T16:15:57 #kisslinux phew 2019-11-12T16:15:58 #kisslinux We're good. 2019-11-12T18:56:31 #kisslinux dylanaraps: idk how cmake takes longer than gcc to compile for you...gcc doesn't successfully compile for me (doesn't matter to me cuz I don't use it) but before it fails it already takes longer than the entire cmake build does for me 2019-11-12T21:00:16 #kisslinux E5ten: I'm talking about GCC with '--disable-bootstrap'. 2019-11-12T21:01:52 #kisslinux ah 2019-11-12T21:59:16 #kisslinux for anyone that has clang compiled, can anyone ldd /usr/bin/clang or /usr/bin/clang++? just pastebin it if it's long so it doesn't spam, thanks in advance 2019-11-12T22:00:18 #kisslinux https://gist.githubusercontent.com/dylanaraps/0e77a4d42b2fd5726eed61724568eb47/raw/dbecc79d7b5c5d2ca9b906cfbe6382c657159e0e/gistfile1.txt 2019-11-12T22:07:55 #kisslinux alright, so in its normal form clang needs libgcc and libstdc++ to exist, well at least it only needs two components of gcc so it can be replaced with libcxx and whatever libgcc equivalent is 2019-11-12T22:09:06 #kisslinux Yup. 2019-11-12T22:13:12 #kisslinux well, replacing gcc with clang for toolchain *should* be easy, but what about gnu binutils? 2019-11-12T22:15:38 #kisslinux and at this point gnu make is pretty much irreplaceable 2019-11-12T22:15:47 #kisslinux grub uses binutils directly fyi. 2019-11-12T22:15:59 #kisslinux As does rust iirc. 2019-11-12T22:17:11 #kisslinux every program that compiles use binutils (ld, as, ranlib, nm) to be fair, but did you mean it will outright refuse if it's not GNU binutils version? 2019-11-12T22:17:43 #kisslinux I mean it specifically *requires* it. 2019-11-12T22:18:33 #kisslinux Oh 2019-11-12T22:18:34 #kisslinux # gcc is needed at runtime just for linking. Someday rustc might invoke 2019-11-12T22:18:36 #kisslinux # the linker directly, and then we'll only need binutils. 2019-11-12T22:18:38 #kisslinux There we go. 2019-11-12T22:18:40 #kisslinux Other way around. 2019-11-12T22:19:04 #kisslinux > Right now we link through a C compiler, but Rust should not depend on having a C compiler available nor expose details of cc linking semantics. 2019-11-12T22:19:08 #kisslinux https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/11937 2019-11-12T22:20:50 #kisslinux well I'm talking about binutils *only* since I'm trying to use an equivalent (either elfutils+lld or elftoolchain) 2019-11-12T22:21:30 #kisslinux it's ironic that a language that requires llvm (which has its own C/C++ frontend) also requires gcc, of all things 2019-11-12T22:22:34 #kisslinux Yup... 2019-11-12T22:22:47 #kisslinux There was an attempt to embed lld (from llvm) inro rustc. 2019-11-12T22:22:49 #kisslinux https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/36120 2019-11-12T22:23:00 #kisslinux Back in 2016. 2019-11-12T22:23:55 #kisslinux You'd need to verify that grub builds fine without GNU binutils. 2019-11-12T22:24:05 #kisslinux I don't think anything else explicitely depends on it. 2019-11-12T22:26:09 #kisslinux well good thing I'm not writing a master's thesis so if the experiment fails it's still "permissible", in a way 2019-11-12T22:27:07 #kisslinux Yup 2019-11-12T22:27:18 #kisslinux the only binutil from GNU I still have is as because clang's integrated-as cannot yet compile the kernel 2019-11-12T22:28:28 #kisslinux I really want to go the opposite route and stick to GCC and friends (dropping llvm/clang). 2019-11-12T22:28:46 #kisslinux ew 2019-11-12T22:28:46 #kisslinux Firefox and rust prevent this though. 2019-11-12T22:29:12 #kisslinux I find clang to be slower than gcc on my machine. 2019-11-12T22:29:21 #kisslinux It's also a lot lot bigger (including llvm) 2019-11-12T22:30:11 #kisslinux clang (no llvm): 263.6M total 2019-11-12T22:30:13 #kisslinux well since *the distro* has gcc in core and not clang and the goal is to make due with the *fewest* dependencies possible it'd make sense to drop clang/llvm 2019-11-12T22:30:24 #kisslinux gcc: 142.7M total 2019-11-12T22:30:37 #kisslinux why's clang so big? 2019-11-12T22:30:55 #kisslinux clang + llvm: 275.2M total 2019-11-12T22:31:08 #kisslinux oops 2019-11-12T22:31:09 #kisslinux wait 2019-11-12T22:31:11 #kisslinux bad math 2019-11-12T22:31:14 #kisslinux that's a "why's your clang so big" not "why's clang in general so big" by the way 2019-11-12T22:31:30 #kisslinux -> kiss-size clang | tail -1 2019-11-12T22:31:32 #kisslinux 263.6M total 2019-11-12T22:31:34 #kisslinux -> kiss-size llvm | tail -1 2019-11-12T22:31:36 #kisslinux 212.1M total 2019-11-12T22:31:38 #kisslinux There we go. 2019-11-12T22:31:41 #kisslinux -> kiss-size gcc | tail -1 2019-11-12T22:31:44 #kisslinux 142.7M total 2019-11-12T22:33:13 #kisslinux I don't know if the comparison's apple to apple (heh) by the way since clang has 3 frontends (c, c++, obj-c) and AFAIK the KISS gcc has only 2 frontends and some features disabled iirc 2019-11-12T22:33:22 #kisslinux can I get your file list of all those? 2019-11-12T22:34:03 #kisslinux Our GCC i just c and c++. 2019-11-12T22:35:07 #kisslinux This is our clang: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/dylanaraps/d8878755f6cb140ba0bf61bb98f91054/raw/d85a3ae0effdb0843eb6bf50f09a9b6f49653846/gistfile1.txt 2019-11-12T22:35:16 #kisslinux It might just be hardlinks adding up actually. 2019-11-12T22:35:20 #kisslinux Interesting. 2019-11-12T22:35:35 #kisslinux Let me calculate size factoring this in. 2019-11-12T22:35:46 #kisslinux ...alright, and the last piece I need to write is, LaTeX 2019-11-12T22:36:24 #kisslinux also keep in mind llvm includes its binutils and your gcc size count doesn't include binutils, they won't make a huge difference but they aren't nonexistent 2019-11-12T22:37:25 #kisslinux -> kiss-size binutils | tail -1 2019-11-12T22:37:27 #kisslinux 29.1M total 2019-11-12T22:38:42 #kisslinux -> ./kiss-size clang 2019-11-12T22:38:44 #kisslinux 261MB 2019-11-12T22:38:46 #kisslinux Hm 2019-11-12T22:39:26 #kisslinux also your LLVM build has utils enabled, which aren't needed (LLVM_ENABLE_UTILS is about utils related to like developing LLVM, not the binutils replacements that are managed by LLVM_ENABLE_TOOLS) 2019-11-12T22:39:59 #kisslinux dthey're enabled by default so it's understandable that you didn't know to disable them I just mean that adds to the size 2019-11-12T22:40:40 #kisslinux ooo 2019-11-12T22:40:42 #kisslinux Good info. 2019-11-12T22:59:46 #kisslinux What do I need to install to get Xorg working? I feel like I'm missing something. If I do kiss build xorg it tells me the sources are missing... So I assume I am doing something wrong... 2019-11-12T23:00:30 #kisslinux Exact error? 2019-11-12T23:00:46 #kisslinux Oh, I see (kiss build xorg)? 2019-11-12T23:00:55 #kisslinux You want: kiss build xorg-server 2019-11-12T23:01:18 #kisslinux AH! I knew I was missing something. 2019-11-12T23:03:46 #kisslinux I would never have found that 'cos my brain was CERTAIN it was xorg... So thank you! 2019-11-12T23:04:08 #kisslinux You actually found a tiny bug. 2019-11-12T23:04:11 #kisslinux :P 2019-11-12T23:04:23 #kisslinux Output should have been this: 2019-11-12T23:04:25 #kisslinux -> kiss b xorg 2019-11-12T23:04:28 #kisslinux -> Resolving dependencies 2019-11-12T23:04:29 #kisslinux !> Package 'xorg' not in any repository 2019-11-12T23:04:53 #kisslinux Fixed here: https://github.com/kisslinux/kiss/commit/a81c46138f0a7f782390399619d258bab6183961 2019-11-12T23:06:38 #kisslinux Fix pushed to repos. 2019-11-12T23:06:54 #kisslinux I tried kiss search xorg and it output /var/db/kiss/repo/xorg so I just kinda assumed that meant it was right. 2019-11-12T23:08:26 #kisslinux Yeah, it was matching the repository name as well as the packages inside of it. 2019-11-12T23:08:36 #kisslinux Was just missing a '-mindepth 1'. 2019-11-12T23:08:46 #kisslinux -> kiss s xorg 2019-11-12T23:08:47 #kisslinux !> Package 'xorg' not in any repository 2019-11-12T23:08:59 #kisslinux :) 2019-11-12T23:12:01 #kisslinux Well, then I'm glad my idiocy was helpful! I've always been good at the idiocy part, but not often the useful one. 2019-11-12T23:12:17 #kisslinux dylanaraps clang has a dylib now, like LLVM's, linkable with the same option as LLVM but s/LLVM/CLANG/, not sure if it was added before or after 9.0.0 but if before I'd switch to it, it'd probably decrease the size a ton 2019-11-12T23:13:22 #kisslinux Shyiskhar: All good, the situation is clearer for the next guy now. ;) 2019-11-12T23:13:28 #kisslinux E5ten: Nice, will do. 2019-11-12T23:16:21 #kisslinux E5ten: -DCLANG_LINK_CLANG_DYLIB=ON 2019-11-12T23:16:24 #kisslinux This works. 2019-11-12T23:16:58 #kisslinux My one worry is that LLVM also supports: -DLLVM_BUILD_LLVM_DYLIB=ON yet there's no equivalent for clang. 2019-11-12T23:17:14 #kisslinux I thought both were needed. 2019-11-12T23:19:28 #kisslinux they're planning on removing the build one from LLVM and making both unconditionally build the dylib, so they never added it to the clang one 2019-11-12T23:19:38 #kisslinux Ah 2019-11-12T23:19:58 #kisslinux Also adding: -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON 2019-11-12T23:20:43 #kisslinux Void and Gentoo don't set LINK_CLANG_DYLIB. Interesting. 2019-11-12T23:21:03 #kisslinux Neither does Alpine. 2019-11-12T23:21:47 #kisslinux Fedora does set it though. 2019-11-12T23:22:56 #kisslinux OK. Doing a build. 2019-11-12T23:24:09 #kisslinux BUILD_SHARED_LIBS is meant for developers because it makes the build a lot quicker, not for distribution packages 2019-11-12T23:24:38 #kisslinux Good to know. 2019-11-12T23:24:45 #kisslinux (like they specifically say not to use it for them) 2019-11-12T23:25:37 #kisslinux Yeah 2019-11-12T23:25:41 #kisslinux Just saw it in the docs. 2019-11-12T23:30:22 #kisslinux I'd guess the size difference is unlikely to be large but you explicitly enable RTTI and iirc that's not needed unless you want the LLVM libs to be used for developing LLVM and not just for being linked to by the LLVM tools 2019-11-12T23:31:17 #kisslinux It's needed for Mesa. 2019-11-12T23:31:55 #kisslinux ah 2019-11-12T23:36:18 #kisslinux wait but it looks like mesa has support for LLVM without rtti and also build with -fno-rtti if LLVM doesn't have it? 2019-11-12T23:37:36 #kisslinux It's needed for some GPU drivers in Mesa. 2019-11-12T23:38:00 #kisslinux Not the entire thing. Should've been clearer. 2019-11-12T23:38:39 #kisslinux ah I see that now, the gallium ones for nouveau and opencl yeah 2019-11-12T23:41:54 #kisslinux Ideally some GPU detection or configuration would be nice for LLVM/Clang/Mesa so only the drivers you have (or set) are compiled. 2019-11-12T23:42:16 #kisslinux (By LLVM/Clang I mean setting rtti based on set/detected GPU) 2019-11-12T23:44:10 #kisslinux Detection would be fragile though (lspci check for kernel driver(?)). 2019-11-12T23:46:33 #kisslinux There might be other cases where rtti is required though. I need to do some research. 2019-11-12T23:48:40 #kisslinux Though I wonder if nouveau still needs it: hi Conceal ctermbg=NONE 2019-11-12T23:48:43 #kisslinux https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=106391 2019-11-12T23:48:44 #kisslinux oops 2019-11-12T23:49:49 #kisslinux I guess not: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/commit/a2596450ac7330c8965c819491038fb1ad454333 2019-11-12T23:52:27 #kisslinux wellll you could define NDEBUG lol :p 2019-11-12T23:52:54 #kisslinux who needs pesky assertions ammirite 2019-11-12T23:53:46 #kisslinux https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=109791 2019-11-12T23:53:52 #kisslinux Turns out it was set(??) 2019-11-12T23:54:23 #kisslinux > "The mesa release config doesn't define NDEBUG when building using meson 0.45.0" 2019-11-12T23:54:32 #kisslinux It should be set?? 2019-11-12T23:55:02 #kisslinux https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/3258 2019-11-12T23:55:39 #kisslinux well a simple way to check would just be building mesa and seeing if NDEBUG is in the build.ninja 2019-11-12T23:55:53 #kisslinux if it is, you shouldn't need rtti for nouveau right? 2019-11-12T23:56:05 #kisslinux I don't think so. 2019-11-12T23:56:08 #kisslinux Neat. 2019-11-12T23:56:12 #kisslinux https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/1841412 2019-11-12T23:56:18 #kisslinux Ubuntu set it too. 2019-11-12T23:57:24 #kisslinux when you say "I don't think so" do you mean "I don't think nouveau should need rtti" or do you mean "I don't think you're right, it'll still need it" sorry for not understanding lol 2019-11-12T23:57:55 #kisslinux I don't think nouveau should need rtti. 2019-11-12T23:58:03 #kisslinux nice 2019-11-12T23:58:11 #kisslinux Ubuntu issue also seems to say: and at least nouveau is affected. 2019-11-12T23:59:39 #kisslinux not that I vare about gallium-clover, but given that typeid isn't used in its part of the source tree I wonder what rtti thing is used