I've seen a number of discussions online about the things people enjoy, specifically in relation to other people they don't agree with who also enjoy the content. Many articles talk about toxic Star Wars fans, or the racist gamers that enjoy titles like Cuphead or Kingdom Come, or works of fiction beloved by die-hard anarcho-capitalists.
People will often say, when learning of such news, that they feel bad about enjoying whatever the content is, since people they find reprehensible also enjoy the content. This sentiment is expressed even more strongly if the disliked party finds deep inspiration from the content.
I have to say that I've never understood this reasoning. The exact same stories, ethe or messages can inspire people in many different ways. Well-written stories have far more depth and nuance than simple soapbox moralizing. Inspiring characters and meaningful journeys touch on the human experience in more ways than one. People relate to those journeys based on their own experiences and their own values--sometimes those values are challenged, sometimes they're reinforced, but they'll never leave the same impact on any two persons.
On the contrary, in our polarized world, I find it encouraging that two people who disagree on many things can enjoy the same content. They may like it for different reasons, but the fact that the content speaks to those two different reasons is a sign of its strength. Good stories are a reflection of our underlying humanity in one form or another. Different people embrace different aspects of that humanity, but it is there regardless.
A shared passion is a recognition that the content's power speaks to everyone who enjoys it. In my opinion, that makes it a good starting point to bridge other divides. Enjoying something your opponent enjoys is not a concept to be rejected--it should be embraced and expanded upon.
[Last updated: 2024-10-06]