

I play Final Fantasy XIV using a controller, specifically a ProEx Mini third-party PlayStation 3 controller. I much prefer it over the official DualShock PS3 controller design because its layout resembles that of Nintendo GameCube controllers.

The ProEx Mini suffers from one major problem: the buttons on the controller are not mapped the same as on the DualShock. What on an official controller would register as circle registers on the ProEx Mini as X. Triangle is similarly incorrectly mapped to circle, and X to triangle. Hat switches have bad mappings, and L3 and R3 are swapped with Select and Start respectively.

To get around this issue, I use two tools in tandem: vJoy and UCR. vJoy creates a virtual joystick device that can be customized to any layout, while UCR uses AutoHotKey to map inputs from my controller to the virtual joystick.

Thankfully, I have no noticeable latency with this setup. Of course input latency isn't as important in an MMORPG as it would be for a fighting or shooting game, but having near-instant input is still nice.


Up One Level


[Last updated: 2024-10-06]