Twitch: ViGreyTech
GitHub: ViGrey

"ullr", a finger client that archives the output of finger servers.

This project will let me use my finger server as a blog platform of

2023-04-22 - [52] 2:3
There was a solar eclipse on the 20th of April (UTC) and a lunar
eclipse will be happening this new moon, so I decided to finally add
solar/lunar eclipse tracking to syzygy.

Syzygy can be found at the moment at
until I set up my own git server and move away from GitHub.

Thankfully eclipse detection only requires some basic trig when using
the X,Y,Z coordinates of the Sun and Moon.  Technically, I'm assuming
the Sun, Moon, and Earth are perfect spheres whose radiuses are the
equatorial (widest) radiuses.

For solar eclipses, I'm checking to see if any part of the Earth that
can see the sun has the moon in the way.  For lunar eclipses, I'm
checking to see if any part of the moon that can see the sun has the
Earth in the way.  I'm not checking if an eclipse is penumbral or
umbral at the moment.

Over time, I'd like to use conics instead of circles (assumption of
the bodies being spheres) and would like to provide more detailed
eclipse data like if the eclipse is umbral or penumbral.