I had a dream last night in which my high school reviewed my academic record and discovered that there were a few obscure classes required for graduation that I had never completed. They contacted me and informed me that I would need to come back to school and finish them; otherwise I would be held criminally liable for lying on my university application form and my resume by claiming that I had graduated from high school when I hadn't. This is a recurring dream of mine, albeit one I have less frequently over time.
Sometimes I also need to go back to university: the lack of completed requisites in my high school diploma implies that there should have been classes I took as an undergraduate to compensate. By not taking those classes, my degree is also void. Usually when this happens, I find that I have to enroll in high school and university classes simultaneously, meaning I have to skip some classes to go to others.
When I have this dream, it's almost always the case that I'm still working while I take classes. For some reason, I'm unable to quit the job or go on sabbatical; I must take classes while skipping out on work and simply wait for my poor attendance to get me fired. If I also have to take classes at university, I end up needing to be in three different places at the same time.
I don't usually read into dreams, but I find recurring dreams interesting. That being said, I'm not sure I want to know what it means to constantly have to return to high school.
[Last updated: 2024-10-06]