
Ecological Observations


August 2024

Single logs from this month:

01 August

03 August

07 August

11 August

12 August

20 August

23 August

26 August

29 August

Weather conditions began to shift to hot and dry throughout this month.

Species that already were seen in July and returned:


Species that were last seen in June and returned:

Species making their first appearances:

New species:

August, especially towards the end, offered more surprises than anticipated. Not only did A. urticae and A. agestis make a surprise return, two new species joined the species list, as well.

As it was announced that "Bog Hill" will be "maintained" for a little over a year, chances are high that I won't be able to properly identify Colias sp., unless I get blessed with some extreme amount of luck. Other caterpillars and pupae (A. io, P. rapae, V. atalanta) were discovered and monitored, on the other hand.

With many signs pointing towards an early start of autumn, it remains to be seen whether I may be able to track butter- and dragonflies all the way into October, given how late some species began to appear, or may end this observation season somewhere in September.