
Ecological Observations


07 August

Blessed with no winds and few clouds prior to noon, a field trip was planned.

| Species                 | Location                        | Status |
| Aglais io               | Yard                            | Adult  |
| Boloria dia             | Zone I                          | Adult  |
| Coenonympha pamphilus   | Zone I / III                    | Adult  |
| Cupido argiades         | Zone II                         | Adult  |
| Maniola jurtina         | Zone I / II / III               | Adult  |
| Pieris napi             | Yard / Mixed Field / Zone I /   | Adult  |
|                         | II / III                        |        |
| Pieris rapae            | Yard                            | Pupae  |
| Vanessa atalanta        | Yard                            | Adult  |
| Aeshna cyanea           | Zone II / III                   | Adult  |

B. dia made its very first appearance within my study area, whereas C. argiades not only is another newcomer during this season but quickly expanded to another zone.

While the pupae of two P. rapae were recorded on the same day as the observation was made, the caterpillars were observed on 4 August. Due to all the leaf nests on the stinging nettle being empty, it also may be assumed that all V. atalanta have entered metamorphosis, as well.

But due to the sheer exciting observations, I forgot to track half of the weather data. It happens to the best of us.