23°C (10:18 AM), no winds and no clouds – ideal conditions dominated my last field trip for this month.
+-------------------------+---------------------------------+--------+ | Species | Location | Status | +-------------------------+---------------------------------|--------+ | Aglais io | Yard | Adult | |-------------------------|–--------------------------------|–-------| | Araschnia levana | Zone II / III | Adult | |–------------------------|---------------------------------|--------| | Aricia agestis | Zone II / III | Adult | |–------------------------|–--------------------------------|–-------| | Coenonympha pamphilus | Zone I | Adult | |-------------------------|---------------------------------|--------| | Pieris brassicae | Yard / Mixed Field / Zone II | Adult | |-------------------------|---------------------------------|--------| | Pieris napi | Mixed Field / Zone I / II / III | Adult | |-------------------------|---------------------------------|--------| | Pieris rapae | Zone II / III | Adult | |-------------------------|---------------------------------|--------| | Polyommatus icarus | Mixed Field | Adult | |–------------------------|---------------------------------|--------| | Vanessa atalanta | Zone III | Adult | |-------------------------|---------------------------------|--------| |-------------------------|---------------------------------|--------| | Aeshna cyanea | Zone III | Adult | +-------------------------+---------------------------------+--------+
Two freshly-hatched and one older A. agestis were observed for the first time this year, hinting at the possibility that the brief frosty period in April and the following wet period may have been (partially) responsible for various species' lower individual numbers (all Polyommatus) or entire absence (T. betulae, S. pruni).
With whites dominating, we're about to enter the autumn period. Morning temperatures during the previous days were unusually chill (below 10°C), which is affecting the pupae in my yard. All three remaining pupae – one V. atalanta and two P. rapae – still have to hatch.