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First launch attempted: 3.4.2021
A list with linux tools I like:
Openbox is a lightweight windowmanager. It can be used which the keyboard only.
Atools is a collection of tools for handling archives of all sort. Never spill the contents of an archive all over your $HOME.
This is the UNIX/Linux version of 7Zip (Windows) for the commandline. Great packer/archiver!
Neatroff is an enhanced implementation of the t/roff suite based on the troff tools of plan9. It includes typesettinmg algorithms of Donald Knuth's TeX (paragraph typesetting) and produces a really nice output.
For programming different kinds of microcontrollers this is quite a neat software. For setting up an environment for a certain type of µC, you only need to setup an example project to compile a "hello world" for it. Starting the build process will trigger the download of all things you need - including the correct toolchain. NICE!
email: mcc@ctrl-c.club