
Ecological Observations


06 October

With just 12°C (3:03 PM), moderate winds and the sun sproadically peeking through the clouds, autumn is in full force now.

| Species                 | Location                        | Status |
| Aglais io               | Yard                            | Adult  |
| Pieris rapae            | Yard / Zone I / II              | Adult  |
| Vanessa atalanta        | Yard / Zone I                   | Adult  |

It should be noted that P. rapae and V. atalanta were not observed by myself but by my mother around noon, meaning that the only butterfly I was able to record was A. io. Besides the decent amount of various mushrooms, ladybugs, which began to re-appear two weeks ago, still occupy what's left of the alfalfa field in zone "Mixed Field".

Plant-wise, a few have begun to bloom again, namely red clover, sea mayweed and hawkweed oxtongue.

One common privet, my first, was spotted next to the bike path in Zone I. Other than that, each area was too muddy to hunt for edible mushrooms.