created 2024/06/23 category info, internet views 224
stargazer is a fast and easy to use gemini server with no runtime dependencies that has cgi script support compatible with other gemini servers
store certificates in a hidden certificates directory under /var/gemini, also listen on the localhost/loopback ip address (i have stargazer behind a tcp reverse proxy anyway, so there's no need to listen on a public ip)
listen = [:tls] store = /var/gemini/.certificates
stargazer supports multiplexing, which is a fancy name for being able to act as the server for multiple websites/domain names, so every block is defined by a domain name, optionally followed by a matcher
[] → any url on the domain [] → a specific path on the domain [] → any path on the domain that matches the regex
pretty sure the regex matcher acts as if it had ^ before it (so your matcher must match the start of the path, not just some part in the middle of it)
the following will serve files from the directory under /var/gemini, but not provide a directory listing for directories without an index.gmi file, and explicitly disable cgi scripts
[] root = /var/gemini/ auto-index = off cgi = off
this will generate a directory listing for any files and directories under /media, and explicitly disable cgi scripts
[] root = /var/gemini/content cgi = off auto-index = on
this will make any files ending with the file extension .cgi execute as a script, the output of which will be returned as the response to the user's request. it also makes it so if a script takes longer then five seconds to execute the response times out
[*)\.cgi] root = /var/gemini/ cgi = on cgi-timeout = 5
this will redirect anyone going to index.html back to the root of the directory, which will serve index.html anyway
[*)/index.gmi] redirect = ./