Use the provided letters to construct as many words as possible. Letters may be used more than once. The center (anchor) letter must be used in all words. Entering a blank scrambles the letters. Try to achieve the 'genius' level!
Each letter of a word counts as 1 point, except:
The dictionary is hand-curated to make the game interesting - too many words makes it tedious, while too few is annoying. This means that many words you know are missing. Don't worry too much. If it's truly upsetting, email me.
The game requires you to use client certificates in order to keep your game state. No identifiable information is received or kept, of course. Not all browsers support client certs - use one that does, such as LaGrange. The first time around you will be asked to create or select a certificate - do that.
The name provided with the client certificate is used to create the 'top 5' leaderboard.
or send a short message to the operator by entering /msg <your message> in the game.