I took a walk this morning. It was cold, and I somehow misplaced my hat beforehand, but I took a walk anyway. With the additional snow over the weekend it made for a pretty slow hike. In spots, the snow was higher than my dog’s chest, but he didn’t seem to mind. It did, however, slow him down a little bit, too.
There are spots where the snow weighed down the branches and they obscured the trail. These are some tall pines and not-so-tall hemlocks. Only because their boughs are laden with snow are they in the way, otherwise they’d be just low enough to touch with my fingertips if I reached up for them. It’s fun to carefully shake the boughs – careful so as to avoid inviting falling clumps of snow down the back of my neck. When the snow falls off of them, they float back up to their normal height and I can pass below them.
It was also a little windy this morning. Normally there’s a peaceful but muting silence when there’s this much snow. With the persistent wind, I was able to hear the rustling of leaves that hadn’t fallen.
created: 2024-02-19
updated: 2024-02-23 07:34:13
(re)generated: 2024-12-17