Misfin Mailinglist Federation

From: clseibold@auragem.letz.dev (Christian Lee Seibold)

Forwarder: misfin@auragem.letz.dev (AuraGem Misfin Mail List)

Received on 2024-02-06 04:26:30

As satch has already mentioned, we have both setup a federated mailinglist between our servers. The idea is that a server has a two-way sub with another server on the federation, preferably with the same mailinglist name. This allows both servers to forward to each other messages that each mailinglist gets. For this to work, both mailinglists must allow forwards from the mailinglist addresses it is federated with.

If others want to connect to this federated mailinglist, then create a mailinglist with the name misfin on your server, send a Subscribe message to either misfin@auragem.letz.dev or misfin@satch.xyz from that mailinglist's cert, and then configure your server to allow forwards from the mailinglist you've just subbed to. Finally, notify the maintainer of the mailinglist you're connected to so they can Sub to your mailinglist to create the two-way connection and allow forwards from your mailinglist.

If you are using my misfin-server implementation, then the following commands will be useful:

1. misfin-server config mailinglist-sub misfin misfin@other_server type federated - after a server has subbed their mailinglist to your mailinglist, run this command to allow forwards from their address

2. misfin-server config mailinglist-federate misfin misfin@other_server - this will send a Subscribe command to their mailinglist from your mailinglist.

You can find an image of how federation works, and how loops are prevented, via this image: https://imgur.com/a/LbLpusV

- Christian Lee Seibold

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