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The award-winning Curiosity Daily podcast from will help you get smarter about the world around you. In less than 10 minutes, you’ll get a unique mix of research-based life hacks, the latest science and technology news, and more. Nate Bonham and Calli Gade will help you learn about your mind and body, outer space and the depths of the sea, and how history shaped the world into what it is today.Head to discovery+ to stream even more science content, from Animal Planet to Science Channel. Go to to start your 7-day free trial today. Terms Apply.<br /><hr><p style='color:grey; font-size:0.75em;'> Hosted on Acast. See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href=''></a> for more information.</p> |

Re-release: Organ Age, Comfort Food, Speedy Snails

13/12/24 | <p>oday, you’ll learn about a new test that can show how well each of your organs are aging, some interesting links between comfort food and stress, and a surprising finding about certain snails. </p><br><p>Organ Ag

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Re-release: 3D Ink, RSVP No, Old Dogs

12/12/24 | <p>Today, you’ll learn about a new ink that can 3D print inside your body using soundwaves, why saying no to invitations isn’t as bad as you might think, and some new drugs that could potentially make your dog live longer. &nbs

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Re-release: Healthy Tongue, Slippery Surface, Curious for Answers

11/12/24 | <p>Today, you’ll learn about an ancient diagnostic tool getting an AI upgrade, the world’s slipperiest surface, and some insight into the minds of everyone who loves this show!  </p><br><p>Healthy Tongue&

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Re-release: Brain Rewiring, Rat Imagination, Dogs & PTSD

06/12/24 | <p>Today, you’ll learn about the brain’s ability - or inability - to rewire itself, the imagination of rats, and how dogs can have a positive effect on those suffering from PTSD.  </p><br><p>Brain Rewirin

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Re-release: Bilingual Brain, Morning Sickness, Cat Purrs

05/12/24 | <p>Today, you’ll learn about how the bilingual brain might be better at multitasking, good news for women who are at risk for morning sickness, and the strangely complex science behind cat purring. </p><br><p>Biling

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Re-release: Origin of Life, Self Control vs Willpower, Puppy Love

04/12/24 | <p>Today, you’ll learn about a bacterial discovery that challenges our understanding of how and when life formed on Earth, the importance difference between self control and willpower, and the truth about whether or not your dog really loves

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Liquid Cats, Spider Silk, Sound Printing

29/11/24 | <p>Today, we’re bringing you three new stories that cover a few topics we’re really passionate about. You’ll learn about how cats become like liquid to fit through small spaces and why that’s a big deal, the new super sticky strong silk

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Barnacle Polymers, Two Week Brain, Elephant Memory

28/11/24 | <p>Today, you’ll learn about a new bacteria-busting polymer inspired by barnacles, how the things you do today will affect your brain in two weeks, and the memories elephants keep of their favorite people from long ago.  &lt

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Tractor Beam, Crystal Palace, Botany Dark Spots

27/11/24 | <p>Today, you’ll learn about the tiny tractor beam that could change how certain diseases are diagnosed, how a screw allowed an iconic historical building to go up faster than anyone thought possible, and why scientists are worried about the

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Whale Talk, Foster Care History, Blood Pressure Test

22/11/24 | <p>Today, you’ll learn about how whales could be carrying on conversations from over 60 miles away, the struggles of foster moms in the 1600s, and why your blood pressure reading might be way off.  </p><p>&nb

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Fly Brains, Comb Jelly Fusion, Dog Voice

21/11/24 | <p>Today, you’ll learn about the entire neuron-for-neuron model of a fly brain, jellyfish that can merge together seamlessly, and how talking to our dogs in that way-too-cutesy voice might actually have a purpose.  </p&gt

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Static Electricity, Stroke Headband, Exploding Craters

20/11/24 | <p>Today, you’ll learn about the cause of static electricity, how a new headband could help you stop a stroke before it happens, and why the ground in Siberia is exploding.  </p><p> </p><p>St

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Water Molecules, Mount Everest Growth, Turtle Backpacks

15/11/24 | <p>Today, you’ll learn about how scientists were able to witness water form at the molecular level and what that could mean for life on Mars, why Mount Everest is still growing, and why scientists are putting tiny backpacks on sea turtle hatc

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Solar Cell Charging, Nazca Glyphs, Singing & Brain Health

14/11/24 | <p>Today, you’ll learn about a new transparent solar cell that could replace your windows to power your home, the discovery of hundreds of new mysterious Nazca Glyphs, and how singing in a choir might be good for your brain. &nbs

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Heart Cells in Space, Ancient Log, Day Chapters

13/11/24 | <p>Today, you’ll learn about the trouble hearts have in space, an ancient log that could help us hit climate targets, and how our brain divides our days into chapters.  </p><p> </p><p>Heart C

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Plant Jet Fuel, 3D-Printed Glass, Feeding Coral

08/11/24 | <p>Today, you’ll learn about a more sustainable jet fuel made from trees, how a new process allows you to 3D print glass, and why feeding coral reefs might save them from heat stress.  </p><p> </p>

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Asteroid Blast, Power Wash Positivity, Picky Eaters

07/11/24 | <p>Today, you’ll learn about how nuclear weapons might one day actually save the Earth, the video game that lets you power wash your bad mood away, and a study that suggests being a picky eater might be genetic.  </p>&

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Stem Cells & Diabetes, Rare Earth Metals, Leaping Sharks

06/11/24 | <p>Today, you’ll learn about a potential cure for diabetes, how ancient extinct volcanoes might provide a boost for your cell phones, and why sharks and rays fling themselves out of the water.  </p><p> &

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Gold Nuggets, New Cell Type, Redefining Sustainability

01/11/24 | <p>Today, you’ll learn about how earthquakes shake up quartz to make gold nuggets, the discovery of a new type of cell, and an effort to redefine sustainability in our oceans.  </p><p> </p><p&gt

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Defib Placement, Octopus Hunting, Keys to Happiness

31/10/24 | <p>Today, you’ll learn about a new way to use a defibrillator that works over 250% better, how octopuses go hunting with fish, and the keys to happiness.  </p><p> </p><p>Defib Placement&n

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Cow Slime, City Rainfall, Golden Lettuce

30/10/24 | <p>Today, you’ll learn about the synthetic slime that might help people heal from back surgery, how cities tend to get more rain than the rural areas around them, and a new genetically engineered golden lettuce packed with vitamins. 

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Pressure & Performance, Bone Concrete, Cancer Decline

25/10/24 | <p>Today, you’ll learn about the brain science behind choking under pressure, a newer, tougher, stronger concrete inspired by bones, and how skin cancer rates in Sweden could offer a sign of hope. </p><p> </p&

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Remote Surgery, Isolated Neanderthals, Greenspace & ADHD

24/10/24 | <p>Today, you’ll learn about how surgeons operated on a pig from 5,000 miles away, a population of neanderthals that were isolated for 50,000 years, and why trees could be linked to lower risks of ADHD in kids.  </p>&l

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Baby Brain Device, CO2 Protein, 15-Minute Cities

23/10/24 | <p>Today, you’ll learn about a new device that can get inside the mind of babies, the edible protein that’s made out of carbon dioxide, and how the modern ideal of the 15-minute city might not be for everyone.  </p>&

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Risky Play, Mold in Space, Brain Cravings

18/10/24 | <p>Today, you’ll learn about how climbing on monkey bars and other risky play could be a gift from our ancestors, the dangers of mold in space, and new evidence on how cravings take root in our brains.  </p><p>&a

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Positive Side Effects, Mega El Niño, Bee Protector

17/10/24 | <p>Today, you’ll learn about a potential positive side to side effects, how mega El Niños triggered the world’s worst mass extinction event, and the antidote to pesticides that could save bees.  </p><p>&nb

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Bacteria Behavior, Ant Cannibals, Brain Plastic

16/10/24 | <p>Today, you’ll learn about a breakthrough in our understanding of the behavior and abilities of bacteria, the queen ants that cannibalize their sick larvae and recycle it, and how tiny shards of plastic are finding their way into our brains

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Sinuses & Mental Health, Vaporizing Plastic, Monkey Names 

11/10/24 | <p>Today, you’ll learn about the connection between chronic sinus infections and anxiety, a new way to recycle plastic by vaporizing it, and how marmosets call each other by name.   </p><p> <

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Salt & Cancer, Ancient Bridge, Nuclear Clock

10/10/24 | <p>Today, you’ll learn about how common table salt could help our bodies fight cancer, an ancient underwater bridge that’s changing what we know about human migration in Europe, and the hyper precise nuclear clock breakthrough. &am

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