not much progress today

Yesterday after updating my monolothic python script for generating page content I neglected to check the links created in my atom.xml. This led to a very panicked few moments when I was browsing Antenna later in the day. None of the published links worked. So the first thing I did was symbolic link the published names to the real names. That almost solved the problem. At least content was reachable.

After that I went back to the Agate readme. I saw the .meta file documentation, but I was looking for something like a rewrite rule or forwarding. No such luck. Then I noticed you could set a content type! So now I’m hosting two versions of my pages, one with the correct .gmi extension, and another with a .md extension that’s just a symbolic link with an updated content type so it will still render.

On the one hand I feel foolish, but on the other, I did get to learn about a few more Agate features.

I’ve been too busy with work today, and likely tomorrow as well, so no real updates, but pretty soon I should have some better Pine Phone Pro settings to share. Taking the hardware keyboard off it is really forcing me to add conveniences because I’m just not a fan of the on screen keyboard. Though that’s getting better.






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created: 2022-12-13

(re)generated: 2024-12-17