PinePhone/Pro Customizations

I originally made a quick little note on some hackish tasks because I wanted to get it down in a note and closer to some sort of progress on it. Since then I’ve tried (and failed) to modify the Danctnix ARCH Linux ARM builder for Pine64.

The initial problem was that the size of the file system to be created was stored in a profile that I had not created. I was looking for shell scripts that made use of the variable, (something like size_ui_${ui} but later when I found and created this, it created an image that I couldn’t boot.

But, it’s not so bad because my package list contained far more than what I actually wanted to have installed on the device, so the new list is much more concise (no KDE nonsense hiding out).

Anyway, here’s the progress I’ve made so far on the PinePhone Pro, starting from barebones image, in no particular order:

Pandoc wasn’t available through the repo, but is available as a binary from

Anyway, I’ve been making steady progress against customizing the PinePhone, but it’s not easily reproducible yet. I need to revisit the Pine64 aarch64 build stuff and get that to produce an image with a sane set of base packages and then add my customizations as strictly installed to the user home directory because there’s nothing I’ve done that wouldn’t work on other distributions, it’s just handy to have a good base. Especially since I’d like to swap it for something that doesn’t use SystemD.

I’ve more or less been tackling things as they occur to me with no real plan. This is probably terrible long term, but I haven’t used it enough to know what things are missing that I would also want to have.

Remaining problem areas:

quick little note







2022-12-09 - PinePhone UI Customization

2022-05-02 - initial pine64 ui todo

created: 2022-12-07

(re)generated: 2024-12-17