Description: Federated mailinglist for discussion of misfin
Who Can Send New Threads: Subs only
Who Can Send Reply Mails: Subs only
Who can Subscribe: Anybody
Federated with the following:,
Send gemmails with subjects by placing a gemtext title (lines prepended with '# ') to the beginning of the message. You can add a label to the gemmail by prepending it to the subject in between square brackets, '[like_so]'.
Gemini Fetch Address (download gembox using client cert) (Christian Lee Seibold)
[Misfin-Server] Misfin-Server Update 0.5.9c — * More advanced threading system - threads now take into account the participants. A change in participants creates a new thread. * Reply links on gemini mail interface. * Misfin links now use new "misfin:" format (rather than "misfin://") You can install misfin-server here, for Windows and Linux: ... (Christian Lee Seibold)
Misfin-Server v0.5.8c Update — I have released v0.5.8c of my misfin-server software with the following new features and bug fixes: * Recover from panics and send panic errors to all admin mailboxes. A panic should no longer bring down the entire server. * Bug fix for subscribe gemmails to mailinglists * Mailinglist Msg and Thread pages have been modified to look similar to Bubble's...
2024-10-09 1 replies · Last updated by (Christian Lee Seibold)
Misfin-Server v0.5.8c Update — ... (Christian Lee Seibold)
Fixes to Misfinmail and Misfin-server — I have made some fixes to misfinmail and misfin server: * misfinmail no longer puts the port in the SNI ServerName field. * misfin-server will accept SNI ServerName fields with the port or without, just in case someone else messes this up like I did * "[" is properly escaped in gembox files. Please update if you use misfinmail, misfin-server, or the mi... (Christian Lee Seibold)
[Misfin-Server] Update 0.5.6c — Hello all! I have released version 0.5.6c of misfin-server! Here's a brief changelog: * Max Concurrent Connections limit (defaults to 2000) * IP-based rate-limiting (defaults to 225 ms, or 50 ms for client certs that have mailboxes on the server) * New Gembox format * Partial GMAP support - fetch in new gembox format, get messages based on ID, tag and ... (Christian Lee Seibold)
Re: Federated Mailinglist Looping Fixed — I have made an additional update to misfin-server that will filter out duplicate mails for all mailboxes. This will allow a user to subscribe to multiple mailinglists that are federated with each other and not get duplicates from those federated mailinglists. For example, I can now subscribe to,, *and* misfin... (Christian Lee Seibold)
Re: Federated Mailinglist Looping Fixed — I have made an additional update to misfin-server that will filter out duplicate mails for all mailboxes. This will allow a user to subscribe to multiple mailinglists that are federated with each other and not get duplicates from those federated mailinglists. For example, I can now subscribe to,, *and* misfin... (Christian Lee Seibold)
Welcome to the Misfin Federated Mailinglist! —'s misfin mailbox is now federated with this mailinglist! - Christian Seibold ... (Christian Lee Seibold)
Misfin Mailinglist Federation — As satch has already mentioned, we have both setup a federated mailinglist between our servers. The idea is that a server has a two-way sub with another server on the federation, preferably with the same mailinglist name. This allows both servers to forward to each other messages that each mailinglist gets. For this to work, both mailinglists must ... (Christian Lee Seibold)
Re: The federated Misfin mailinglist is here! — Satch, I got your message that you send to your mailinglist ( Looks like the federation is working, since it successfully forwarded to my mailinglist and then got sent to all subs of This message is being sent to, so you should receive it via your mailinglist. - Christian Lee Seibold ...
The federated Misfin mailinglist is here! — Hopefully everything is working and my message makes the rounds :) ...