some cool links I found
fractal sounds
useless websites
tui image viewer
vim on a cube
code editor
smol wm in few lines of code
OS in browser
boot multiple isos from one thumbstick
virtual punchcards
search engine for more obscure stuff
space background generator
alternative dns
terminal browser startpage
string manipulation in terminal
old web monument
new geocities
oldschoool web baner gifs library
more oldschoool web baner gifs
old gifs library
website with words?
zero width space encoding (hidden messages)
login manager in tty
cool font
cool font + (at least at some point)
nerdfont with extra symbols
cool linux stuff
nice card game in browser
terminal translator
terminal slot machine (nice while compiling)
BBS-esqe/ANSI graphics stuff 1
BBS-esqe/ANSI graphics stuff 2
ANSI escape sequences
iconpack colorswitcher
basic communication initialisation guidelines
termianl text effects
image ditternig tool
finger hosting 1
finger hosting 2
finger management tool
extract hidden data from a image (echo "data" >> img to hide it there)
the gifprinter 2000
IETF april fools RFC entries