Fuck I wish I wrote about more good things on here. But I was looking back at things I wrote when I first joined town, nearly ten years ago, and a lot of it was working through the death of my dad, 5 years before that. Maybe ~town has always been free therapy for me.
My dog died. He was amazing and we were so lucky to have him (and really; he was lucky to have us -- he was already a senior when we adopted him and at the time we lived next to a few acres of wood for walks, we were able to give him a good rest of his life). It happened a week ago and it hurt unbelievably, like I never thought I'd feel okay again (even though I knew I would). Some time has passed and I'm not getting upset every single day. I hate the idea of getting used to it.
I'm doing up a bicycle (a fixed gear) -- it's been a lot of fun. I always enjoyed this when I did it back in England and have had less reason to play amateur bike mechanic since I moved. I never commuted in Canada, even when I went to an office, whereas my bicycles were my every day vehicles. They had to be reliable and they also got some wear and tear. I also had no money so found or cheap parts had to be stretched. Since I was able to buy a reasonably nice MTB (stolen) and then a replacement MTB (stolen) and another MTB (not yet stolen) I've not made structural changes -- I've swapped pedals and I put a new fork on one, I guess, but it's not a tear-down and rebuild. Until now.
I've noticed that time I spend on the computer rarely seemed to correllate with a good day. I don't think I am ready to be totally melodramatic but maybe I just don't like computers that much? Or that they are not that good for me? At the very least, that my default of sitting at a computer is probably not a good one, especially now that I'm not working again.