Hello and welcome to my inaugural, first annual ROOPHLOCH entry
I am sitting in a tiny park, a little pocket dimension. I always forget this park. I walked past a large park, and a small park to get here. Both were busy, full of people occupying the tables where I would sit down and write. This one is about the size of two house plots. It has a small playground, two benches, a table, and a trashcan. It splits the two crossroads in half, the east west road simply ending. The north south road ending in a tiny grassy roundabout on the north side, a large tree growing out of the center of it. The south side merely ends, same way the east and west sides do.
I stopped by the library on the way here to drop off a few books and pick up a few books. As always, I played The Library Game, which is choosing a random dewey decimal number, and then browsing that section of the shelf. Today I rolled 3 ten-sided dice and ended up at 866, which lead me to Homer's Iliad. I did not check this book out because it was really large. Right next to it though was a slim volume of poems by Borges, and that one made it into my bag.
From the big free library, I fired up an app to navigate me to a nearby little free library, where I dropped off some comics, zines, and games that I got last year at the zine festival. Share the love. Spread it all around.
From there I moseyed a bit until I spied the pocket dimension. And here I am. I am typing on a vintage Palm Portable Keyboard. The kind that folds up into quarters and fits easily in a large pocket or a small bag like the kind I am carrying this morning. It is not attached to to a Palm device, but to a custom bluetooth dongle, which allows me to connect to my old iPhone, where I have open an iSH alpine shell ssh-ed into tilde.town, where I am composing these very words that you are reading at this very moment.
I fired up the Relisten app and am listening to the second set of the second night of the Labor Day weekend Phish show. I had grand plans to go to all four nights, but I only managed to see set 1 of night 2.
You see I just had a major spinal surgery, and then a major complication from the surgery, and am only very recently able to be upright, sitting or standing, for any length of time without suffering The Consequences.
I knew attending the show would be a stretch. It was a very ambitious goal to keep me focused on my recovery and rehabilitation. If I pushed myself, I just might be able to go to the show. My expectations were this: plan on not going to any of the show. And if I feel well enough to see any of it at all, then that's a great accomplishment!
So the day of night 1 of the show, I kept feeling an odd pinching sensation near my incision. New sensation, that. And alarming. So I decided not to push it, and skipped night one.
Night 2 felt worth an attempt, so I went. But only made it through the first set. I was unable to relax or get into it because I kept second guessing everything. Is that a headache, or is it just really loud? Am I feeling an aura, or is there just a lot of pot in the air? And I couldn't dance or move my body once I wanted to. And once I realized all of that, then the spell was kind of broken. But I did get to hear probably the best Wolfman's Brother I've ever heard. And the set closed with Run Like An Antelope, an absolute favorite of mine that whipped the crowd into a frenzy.
But then I left. And after that I sold the remaining tickets. So while I am disappointed at not getting to see the whole show, I enjoyed the bit I saw quite a lot, and consider it a tremendous success in regards to my recovery! And I will simply look forward to seeing them again next year.
Speaking of my physical limitations, I feel this is just about all I can stand (ha) sitting at this picnic bench with no support. I'm happy to be here, to be able to enjoy this moment, and to share it with you.
Thoughts? Comments? Let me know at dozens@tilde.team
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title: ROOPHLOCH 1: Pocket Dimension author: dozens <dozens@tilde.team> url: gemini://tilde.town/~dozens/gemlog/25.gmi created: Wed, 04 Sep 2024 12:57:53 -0600 updated: Wed, 04 Sep 2024 21:14:52 -0600 tags: roophloch health music