09-03-2024 I'm bored

That kind of sums it up, I guess. Nothing remarkable has happened over the last month, which is why I had no reason to update my log. At least, not something to dedicate an entire log entry to. It has been a cycle of picking up an old hobby, working on something for a while, then dropping it when things get uninteresting or difficult. I managed to sort of finish the website I mentioned in my last post. Sort of, because everything works now, the layout looks good, and that's it. I even added some 2010s era DeviantArt stamps to spice it up a little, but after that? What's next? That's where it got uninteresting, and I haven't touched the code in almost a month now.

I took a driver's test, too, for the second time. And failed, for the second time. I have no idea how people do it, moving around in a huge piece of metal going 100 km/h and being perfectly chill about it. "It's not hard! You just have to..." it doesn't really feel like "just" doing it to me, though.

I took up reading books again, and almost decided to quit after reading the first few chapters. The problem with many of the books I have, which are mostly action-thrillers where the main character is either a lawyer getting into trouble or some ex-military turned private investigator, is that they're all kind of the same. It makes sense, now that I read that last sentence to myself. When I told a friend about it, he let me borrow one of his books, which was "Soul Music" by Terry Pratchett. I finished it in three days. It was a good book. It took me a while to figure out that "music with rocks in" meant actual rock music. Now I need a new book.

Ok, so what about the NAS I wanted to build out of my old computer? It's been sitting under my desk for a while now. I have the motherboard, the hard disks, the power supply, and the RAM and CPU. I just need some good, quiet case fans, since it will probably be turned on all the time, so I need that one specific type that has the lowest noise. After waiting for months for at least two of these very specific case fans to turn up on a second hand website, I finally bit the bullet and bought them new 5 minutes before I started writing this log.

I wonder how hosting my own NAS is going to turn out. I set up a torrent box a while ago, and ever since I moved into my new house, it's having issues with connecting to peers. Well, it has one issue, which is, it is not connecting to peers at all. No idea whether the problem is the box itself or my ISP, or how to solve it. With great self hosting comes great responsibility it seems. And headaches. After basically turning Google inside out looking for a solution, I decided it had become too difficult. It still works, although it will only connect to peers who are actively looking for my torrent box, so seeding is pretty slow.

Maybe I should go on a long holiday or something, or learn a new language. I hope at least the NAS will keep me busy for a while before something gets uninteresting or difficult again.