2024-05-27: Telescope and Crosswords

Today was a tale of two halves. But in a good way.

It's a bank holiday which means I had the day off work (public holiday here in

the UK).

I spent it doing two things:

Telescope hacking

For telescope[1], I whipped up a quick patch to toggle the styling of a page;

whereby telescope can flip between adding styling to the page or not. This is

useful to act as a kind of "view page source" function, although it's not

intended to be. I personally use it to check rendering.

This was merged today. Woo! This will be in the next release.

Cryptic Crosswords

Today's Guardian cryptic crossword, #29393, by Brummie[2].

Fairly tricky in places, and it's not very common that an experienced/tricky

setter such as Brummie would make an appearance on a Monday.

I didn't enjoy 6dn:

Daffodil advanced by actor James? (4,4)

The definition is `Daffodil`.

"advanced" == "LENT".

"actor JAMES" == "LILY"

The reason I dislike this clue is there's nothing here to indicate "LILY" from

the wordplay, other than to known that "Lily James" is an actor.

The rest of the clues were good though. :)


[1]: Telescope homepage

[2]: [HTTP] Link to Guardian crossword