12 December 2024
A programming language that doesn't change the way you think is not worth learning.
- Alan Perlis, "Epigrams in Programming"
What are programming languages worth learning, then? I've been thinking a little bit about this, lately, and I think I have found a list (from lower level to higher level, and then somewhat circling back):
Some obvious languages are left out. You don't need to learn C++ if you already learned C, Java, and Rust; you don't need C# if you have Java; you don't need Perl or Ruby if you have Python; you don't need Ada or D if you have Rust.
Other languages (Prolog and Forth come to mind) I don't know enough about to include them in the list. Will do.
Please note that I'm also leaving out languages that I like: Clojure and Racket because of Scheme, Scala and Kotlin because of Java, Elixir because of Erlang.
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