Latest version: 0.8 (22.11.2024)
AmiSpeedTest is an Internet speed test for the Commodore Amiga.
Internet speed tests use the closest or server.
( requires AmiSSL v5 so needs OS 3.x and a 68020.)
LAN speed tests can be performed between two Amigas running AmiSpeedTest
or between an Amiga running AmiSpeedTest and other platforms using ttcp
or iPerf2. Download Win/Mac/Unix/Android binaries from
Source code is included.
0.8 - 2024-11-22
- More accurate server selection process
- Option to show server selection results
- Show selected server host + RTT
- Show server currently being checked
- Timeout servers that fail to respond
- Keep individual tests below ~10 seconds
- Megabits, megabytes, mebibits, mebibytes
- Settings window to set Speedtest server
- Tooltypes to set Speedtest server
- now requires AmiSSL v5
- Fix MOTD only shown on first run
- Fix ***break not showing on stop
- Fix millisecond output formatting
- Source code included
0.7 - 2020-03-16
- ttcp / iPerf2 support
- Upload / download option
- Help menu and AmigaGuide file
- Fixed freeze on OS4 GUI
- GlowIcons
0.6 - 2019-12-22
- Run tests as a client
- Menu for kilo/kibi bit/byte
- Tooltypes for host, ports, buffer, mode, unit
- CLI arguments for unit and
0.5 - 2019-10-21
- Run tests as a client on LAN
- Run tests as a server on LAN
- Specify app buffer size of 8/16/32 KB
- Settings window for server name/port
- CLI args for host, port, server, buffer
0.4 - 2019-08-25
- Single executable for both CLI and GUI
- Use window if Workbench has enough space
- Screen uses Workbench screen and font size
- CLI args and tooltype choose window/screen
- Use console device for all output
- Use kilobytes not kibibytes
0.3 - 2019-07-27
- Better break handling
- GUI runs test as task
- CLI opens own CON window
- Avoid stack overflow
- LHA uses generic format
0.2 - 2019-07-02
- Catch failed connections
- Support long hostnames
0.1 - 2019-06-28
- Initial test release