sergeeo's personal capsule

Digital Personal Shrine 2

My first computer was a IBM PS1! I was 10 when I got it and... I just wanted to play as many games as possible! I had that computer for about six or seven years, but that time seemed like a lifetime. In the pre-internet era you had to squeeze as many stuff from copied disks as possible, and as I didn't really know a lot of people with computerss, I had limited sources of digital entretainment.

I've been listing every game I could run on my computer back in the day, and I'm preparing a quick way to be able to play them all again in DOSBOX:

I also want to collect some of the old programs I use to have: NeoPaint, Word Perfect 5.1, PC Tools, etc. And of course: Scream Tracker 3.21 and many mod-related utilities!

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